Evolutionary function of sleep

Function of sleep Evolution: What?
Argues that sleep evolved to help organisms adapt to or cope with their environment. Sort of like hibernation.
1 of 6
Function of sleep Evolution: Meddis?
Argues that sleep protects from harm and predators by immobilising animals during times of risk like night time.
2 of 6
Function of sleep Evolution: Webb?
Argues that sleep allows animals to conserve energy
3 of 6
Function of sleep Evolution: Research?
Decoursey damaged the SCN’s of 30 chipmunks, circadian rhythms were disrupted. Returned to the wild and more of these chipmunks were killed compared to control group.
4 of 6
Function of sleep Evolution: Evaluation?
-Peter Tripp, Shapiro, Hormone. +animals evolved sleep patterns which help adapt to enviro e.g. animals that are hunted sleep little&often.
5 of 6
Function of sleep Evolution: Conclusion?
Possibly sleep has 2 functions, which is why all animals sleep even if it’s dangerous.
6 of 6

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Card 2


Argues that sleep protects from harm and predators by immobilising animals during times of risk like night time.


Function of sleep Evolution: Meddis?

Card 3


Argues that sleep allows animals to conserve energy


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Card 4


Decoursey damaged the SCN’s of 30 chipmunks, circadian rhythms were disrupted. Returned to the wild and more of these chipmunks were killed compared to control group.


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Card 5


-Peter Tripp, Shapiro, Hormone. +animals evolved sleep patterns which help adapt to enviro e.g. animals that are hunted sleep little&often.


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