Evidence/Studies Into Social Theories of Aggression

  • Created by: Natalie
  • Created on: 12-05-13 20:06
Deindividuation - Mann (1981) Suicide
Found 10/21 reports of suicide were baited by a crowd (e.g. shouting 'jump'). Baiting was more likely to happen at night, at a distance when there was a large crowd.
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Deindividuation - Zimbardo (1969) Shocks
Deindividuated (hooded, groups, no name) participants administered more and longer shocks than individuated (normal clothes, name badges, introduced) participants
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SLT - Bandura (1965) Bobo Doll
Controlled observation, independent measures. Children watched a video of a model acting aggressively towards a Bobo doll. They were then either punished or rewarded/reinforced. Children who saw the rewarding acted more aggressively.
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Deindividuation - Mullen (1986)
Analysed newspaper reports of lynch mob violence in the U.S. The more people there were in the mob, the greater the level of violence.
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Deindividuation - Diener et al (1976)
Observed 1300 trick-or-treating children in the U.S. If they were anonymous (costumed, masked, large groups) they were more likely to steal money and sweets.
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Card 2


Deindividuated (hooded, groups, no name) participants administered more and longer shocks than individuated (normal clothes, name badges, introduced) participants


Deindividuation - Zimbardo (1969) Shocks

Card 3


Controlled observation, independent measures. Children watched a video of a model acting aggressively towards a Bobo doll. They were then either punished or rewarded/reinforced. Children who saw the rewarding acted more aggressively.


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Card 4


Analysed newspaper reports of lynch mob violence in the U.S. The more people there were in the mob, the greater the level of violence.


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Card 5


Observed 1300 trick-or-treating children in the U.S. If they were anonymous (costumed, masked, large groups) they were more likely to steal money and sweets.


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