Evaluate learning theory as an explanation of attachment.

  • Created by: danbot77
  • Created on: 27-04-21 14:31
What is operant conditioning?
Learning by reinforcement. An infant will cry when hungry, making caregiver uncomfortable, this is positive reinforcement and will cry again to get more food. Negative reinforcement for the mother. Food is primary reinforcer, mum is secondary reinforcer.
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What is the difference between negative and positive reinforcement.
Positive reinforcement is when something is added to reinforce a behaviour (food when a bay cries)
Negative reinforcement is when something is removed, further incentivising the behaviour. (mum removing crying by feeding baby)
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What is classical condtioning?
Learning through association. eg Food is an unconditioned stimulus and is a relief from hunger. As the mother is always present when feeding, she is associated with the pleasure so becomes a conditioned stimulus.
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What is one support for learning theory?
Dollard and Millar found that babies are fed around 2,000 times by their main carer. This gives ample time to feed the baby, allowing an attachment to form. This supports classical condtioning.
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What is one criticism for learning theory?
Schaffer and Emerson found that 39% of babies did not form an attachment with their main caregiver. Most formed an attachment with their mother despite her not being the main carer. Other factors are important like responsiveness etc.
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What is one criticism for learning theory?
Foxx criticises learning theory as he studied attachments with Israeli babies with metapelets (carers). Children still more attached to mothers despite the metapelets feeding them more. We do not form primary attachments with someone who feeds us.
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What is one criticism for learning theory?
Lorenz's geese were imprinted before being fed and didn't need feeding to keep their attachment. Harlow's study shows that monkeys form attachment that is most comfortable. We do not form primary attachments to people who feed us.
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What is one criticism for learning theory?
Conditioning best explains simple interactions but we know interactional synchrony and reciprocity are important. If we just attach to those who feed us, why do we need such complex actions?
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Card 2


What is the difference between negative and positive reinforcement.


Positive reinforcement is when something is added to reinforce a behaviour (food when a bay cries)
Negative reinforcement is when something is removed, further incentivising the behaviour. (mum removing crying by feeding baby)

Card 3


What is classical condtioning?


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Card 4


What is one support for learning theory?


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Card 5


What is one criticism for learning theory?


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