Ethical issues

Ethical issues
Arise when conflicts exist between the rights of participants in research studies and the goals of research to produce authentic valid and worthwile data.
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What is informed consent
Making particpants aware of the aims of the research, the procedures and the rights they have(including right to withdraw), and what the data will be used for. Should be able to make an informed choice on whether to take part without feeling oblidged to t
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What is Deception
Deliberately withholding information from participants at any stage of an investigation, deception causes issues of consent, if the partipant has not been given adequate information or worse lied too.
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How can deception be justified
if it does not cause the participant undue stress
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What is protection from harm
Participants should not be presented with more risk than they would face in there daily lives, and should be protected from harm. Important that they have the right to withdraw at all time.
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What is privacy and confidentiality
Participants have the right to hold information about themselves, this is the right of privacy. If this is invaded then condicnatlty should be protected.
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What is confidentiality
Right to have personal data protected
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What is the BPS code of conduct and how does it help to deal with ethical issues
British phycological society(BPS) like many other professional bodies has its own set of ethical guidelines. Researchers have a professional duty to observe these guidelines when conducting research
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Whats the aim of the BPS
Provides ethical guidelines which researchers are encouraged to follow, to ensure that participants are treated with respect and consideration during each phase of research
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Who are the guidlines implemented by
Ethics committees in research institutions who often use a cost benefit approach to determine whether a particular research proposals are acceptable
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So how do you deal with informed consent
Give participants a consent form detailing all relevant information which may affect their decision to participate. For minors- parental permission signature
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What are the other ways to get consent
Presumptive consent, prior general consent,retorspective consent
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How to deal with protection from harm and deception
Use debriefing, at the end of study give partcipants a full debriefing- made aware true aims of investigation and any details they were not supplied with in the study such as the existence of control groups.
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What else does a debreifing involve
Need to be told what their data will be used for and must be given right to withdraw data. Might have concerns about their behaviour, should be reassured that the behaviour they displayed was typical or normal. In extreme cases require counselling
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How do you deal with confidentiality
Personal details should be protected, simple and better to keep no personal details and keep anonymity. Remind them data will be protected, in case studies just use their initials.
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Card 2


What is informed consent


Making particpants aware of the aims of the research, the procedures and the rights they have(including right to withdraw), and what the data will be used for. Should be able to make an informed choice on whether to take part without feeling oblidged to t

Card 3


What is Deception


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How can deception be justified


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is protection from harm


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