Errors and estimation

What is the difference between precision and accuracy?
Precision: How close the results are to each other; Accuracy: How close the results are to the real value.
1 of 6
How can we determine to what accuracy our results should be left to are if we add or subtract?
Leave it to the lowest decimal place used.
2 of 6
How can we determine to what accuracy our results should be left to are if we multiply or divide?
Leave it to the lowest significant figure used.
3 of 6
How do we calculate the propagation errors for addition and subtraction?
The square root of the sum of squares of the absolute errors.
4 of 6
How do we calculate the propagation errors for multiplication and division?
The square root of the squares of the relative errors = the absolute error of the result / the result
5 of 6
Describe how to estimate
Put number into scientific notation, take the exponent on 10. If the first digit is 2-6 then add 0.5 to exponent e.g 3600=3.6*10^3~10^3.5. When converting back turn 0.5 into 3.
6 of 6

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Card 2


How can we determine to what accuracy our results should be left to are if we add or subtract?


Leave it to the lowest decimal place used.

Card 3


How can we determine to what accuracy our results should be left to are if we multiply or divide?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How do we calculate the propagation errors for addition and subtraction?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How do we calculate the propagation errors for multiplication and division?


Preview of the front of card 5
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