
  • Created by: maisiegul
  • Created on: 19-02-16 16:37
What is a reversible reaction?
It is when products formed from a reaction can react themselves to form the reactants.
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What is a closed system?
This is when a reversible reaction is in a closed container where no products nor reactants can escape.
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When is equilibrium reached?
When the rate of the forward reaction and the rate of the reverse reaction is equal
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How can we change reaction conditions including yield?
Change the temperature or pressure.
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What happens when we change conditions at equilibrium?
The position of equilibrium will shift to oppose the change.
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What is a exothermic reaction?
A reaction that releases heat energy as the surroundings become warmer
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What is a endothermic reaction?
A reaction that takes in energy so the temperature of the surroundings decrease
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What will happen if the concentration of the reactants is increased?
More products will be formed as the reaction trys to reach equilibrium
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What will happen if a product is removed?
More reactants will react to try and reach equilibrium
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What happens when the pressure is increased in a reaction that is at equilibrium?
The equilibrium will shift to the side of the reaction where there are fewer molecules to try and make the reaction balanced.
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What will happen if the forward reaction produces more molecules of gas and the pressure is increased?
The yield will decrease
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What will happen if the forward reaction produces more molecules and the pressure is decreased?
The yield will increase
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What will happen if the forward reaction produces fewer molecules and the pressurie is increased?
The yield will increase
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What will happen if the forward reaction produces fewer molecules and the pressure is decreased?
The yield will decrease
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What will happen if in an exothermic reaction, the temperature is increased
The yield will decrease
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What will happen if in an exothermic reaction, the temperature is decreased?
The yield will increase
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What will happen in an endothermic reaction if the temperature is increased?
The yield will increase
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What will happen in an endothermic reaction if the temperature is decreased?
The yield will decrease
18 of 18

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is a closed system?


This is when a reversible reaction is in a closed container where no products nor reactants can escape.

Card 3


When is equilibrium reached?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How can we change reaction conditions including yield?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What happens when we change conditions at equilibrium?


Preview of the front of card 5
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