
  • Created by: SamDavies
  • Created on: 28-04-19 19:41
An abnormal function of the brain as a result of abnormal paroxysmal neuronal discharge
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A tendency to have recurrent seizures (more than one unprovoked seizure)
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Abnormal neuronal discharge which suddenly happens in the whole brain at once - in both cerebral hemispheres
Primary generalisation
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Abnormal neuronal discharge which occurs in a certain region of the brain
Partial seizure
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Abnormal neuronal discharge which originates in a certain region before spreading through the whole brain
Partial seizure with secondary generalisation
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A partial/focal seizure which occurs without a loss of consciousness
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A partial/focal seizure which impairs consciousness
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The lobe where most complex partial seizures occur
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A type of generalised seizure where patients may fall, become rigid with jaw clenching, have rhythmic jerking of the limbs, urinary incontinence.
Tonic clonic
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A type of generalised seizure where there is a sudden momentary loss of contact with the surroundings, usually occurs in children, may occur several times a day without the child's awareness, and it could present as learning difficulties
Typical absence
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A type of generalised seizure which tends to occur in children with brain damage, it tends to be prolonged and it is associated with dropping to the ground leading to injuries
Atypical absence
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A type of generalised seizure with sudden, brief jerks that affect the upper limb and are with or without loss of consciousness. They occur late in childhood and often in the mornings
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An investigation done in suspected epilepsy which looks at electrical activity/neuronal discharge within the brain BUT a normal result does not exclude the diagnosis of epilepsy
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The most common type of neuroimaging done in suspected epilepsy which looks at the structure of the brain to identify any lesions or tumours that could have contributed to the seizure
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A dangerous condition in which tonic-clonic seizures follow one another without recovery of consciousness between them (usually more than 5 mins duration)
Status epilepticus
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The most severe teratogenic AED
Sodium valproate
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AED that is used in status epilepticus but does not cause sedation
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A common side effect in classic AEDs such as phenobarbital which is not seen in newer drugs
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AED that can be used in pregnancy
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A major side effect of using benzodiazepines as AEDs besides sedation
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Card 2


A tendency to have recurrent seizures (more than one unprovoked seizure)



Card 3


Abnormal neuronal discharge which suddenly happens in the whole brain at once - in both cerebral hemispheres


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Card 4


Abnormal neuronal discharge which occurs in a certain region of the brain


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Card 5


Abnormal neuronal discharge which originates in a certain region before spreading through the whole brain


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