english literature key terms

anachrony/ anachronous
when the events in a narrative are not related are not related in the order in which they occurred. analepsis and prolepisis are often found in anachronous text. the great gatsby is an anachronous text
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the moment where a character makes a critical discovery such as in the kite runner when Amir discovers Hassan was his half brother
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a movement back to an earlier point in a story another word for flashback for example the TV programme how I met your mother uses analepsis all the time
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used to describe a protagonist whose character is contrary to that of the archetypal hero yet typically retains many heroic qualities or despite seeming not to do so, retains the readers sympathy for example Gatsby in the great gatsby
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breaking off mid-sentence
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a literary subgenre that focuses on the psychological and moral growth of the protagonist from youth to adulthood- a coming of age story. the kite runner is a bildungsroman 'i became what i am today at the age of twelve'
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Card 2


the moment where a character makes a critical discovery such as in the kite runner when Amir discovers Hassan was his half brother



Card 3


a movement back to an earlier point in a story another word for flashback for example the TV programme how I met your mother uses analepsis all the time


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Card 4


used to describe a protagonist whose character is contrary to that of the archetypal hero yet typically retains many heroic qualities or despite seeming not to do so, retains the readers sympathy for example Gatsby in the great gatsby


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Card 5


breaking off mid-sentence


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