English Literature - Conflict Cluster - Flag

What is a Theme of 'Flag' by John Agard?
Patriotism, Symbolism, Futility of War
1 of 13
What is the Line Length/Stanza Structure?
5 stanzas, equal shape, shaped like a flag
2 of 13
Give an example of how the place of the flag becomes more and more specific?
Breeze, Pole, Tent, Field
3 of 13
What does this movement show?
Coming closer and closer to battle/dying for country
4 of 13
What are two different interpretations of 'brings a nation to its knees?'
The idea of worshipping a flag or submission to a flag and begging for mercy
5 of 13
'It's Just A Flag' is repeated in almost every stanza, why do you think so?
It's acts as an answer, like he's drearing on and replies every time with a negative attitude
6 of 13
The poem in every stanza acts as a Question and Answer form, why do you think?
Some people believe it's a conversations between two voices however I believe that it's one person questioning their morals before wars because of Patrotism
7 of 13
Why does the poet use Personification?
To give patriotism/symbolism a face, not a soldier but what they fight for
8 of 13
The idea of 'It's Just A Flag' contrast with what?
The seriousness of war
9 of 13
Why is 'How can I possess such as cloth?' a significant line?
The person wants to die, he wants to take power and his 'blind conscience' has taken over
10 of 13
Why does Agard add a rhyming couplet at the end of the last stanza?
To stand out as it's the most important part of the poem as it shows his attitude
11 of 13
The last two sentences have full stops while the other's don't, why?
They're statements (important ones too!)
12 of 13
How is the metaphor at the end significant?
It shows Agard's negative thoughts about Patriotism
13 of 13

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is the Line Length/Stanza Structure?


5 stanzas, equal shape, shaped like a flag

Card 3


Give an example of how the place of the flag becomes more and more specific?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What does this movement show?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What are two different interpretations of 'brings a nation to its knees?'


Preview of the front of card 5
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