English Literature - A Christmas Carol - Stave 2

A _________ child, _________ by his friends, is left there _____still. What was the full quote, when was this said and to who?
A solitary child, neglected by his friends is left there still. This is said when the Spirit of Christmas Past shows him to Scrooge earlier in his life when he was in the school in the countryside
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____ to see his poor, _________ self. What was the full quote, when was this said and to who?
Wept to see his poor, forgotten self. This was after Scrooge was reminded of his past
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Father is so much ______ than he ____ to be. What was the full quote, when was this said and to who?
Father is so much kinder than he used to be. Fan says this to Scrooge, and the importance is that if his father can change then so can he
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Comfortable, ____, rich, fat, ______ voice. What was the full quote, when was this said and to who?
Comfortable, oily, rich, fat, jovial voice. This describes Fezziwig as we meet him at his party with Scrooge and the Spirit of Christmas Past, and the usage of the list emphasises his kindness
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____ was ______ upon the fire. What was the full quote, when was this said and to who?
Fuel was heaped upon the fire. Used to juxtapose the bad employer, Scrooge, with his 'one coal' for Bob Cratchit, and Fezziwigs' coal being 'heaped' upon the fire.
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_______ hands with _____ person ____________ as he or she ____ out. What was the full quote, when was this said and to who?
Shaking hands with every person individually as he or she went out. The significance of this is that Fezziwig cares about everyone, which is the message Dickens is trying to portray.
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He has the _____ to render us happy or ________; to make our service _____ or ____________. What was the full quote, when was this said and to who?
He has the power to render us happy or unhappy; to make our service light or burdensome. 'He' is the employer, and this shows Scrooge's change in attitude towards other people. It also reveals to the audience the power the employer had at that time.
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He _____ not ____ the _____. What was the full quote, when was this said and to who?
He could not hide the light. This is important because it shows that Scrooge cannot hide from the hauntings and that he cannot hide from the truth and that he can't remain in the dark forever.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Wept to see his poor, forgotten self. This was after Scrooge was reminded of his past


____ to see his poor, _________ self. What was the full quote, when was this said and to who?

Card 3


Father is so much kinder than he used to be. Fan says this to Scrooge, and the importance is that if his father can change then so can he


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Card 4


Comfortable, oily, rich, fat, jovial voice. This describes Fezziwig as we meet him at his party with Scrooge and the Spirit of Christmas Past, and the usage of the list emphasises his kindness


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Card 5


Fuel was heaped upon the fire. Used to juxtapose the bad employer, Scrooge, with his 'one coal' for Bob Cratchit, and Fezziwigs' coal being 'heaped' upon the fire.


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