English Legal System and Law making - Paper 2 (Tribunals)

  • Created by: chloefyf3
  • Created on: 11-07-22 14:12
What do tribunals operate alongside and what were they established to allow?
the court system

allow individuals to enforce their
entitlement to social and welfare rights e.g right to redundancy pay
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How many people is a tribunal composed of and what will they be?
three people

one legally qualified
two experienced in the area the tribunal concerns
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Which report made many recommendations relating to the openness, fairness and impartiality of tribunals?
the Franks Report, 1957
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What did Sir Andrew Leggatts's 2001 review of tribunals lead to?
the set up of the Tribunals Service by the Lord Chancellor in 2006
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What did the Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Act 2007 lead to for tribunals?
a unified framework for all tribunals

makes them more organised and simplified
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What does the first tier tribunal hear cases at?
first instance
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How many cases does the first tier tribunal deal with annually and who does it consist of?

nearly 200 judges
3,600 lay members
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How many chambers does the first tier tribunal operate in?
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Who hears cases in the first tier tribunal and who does this person sit with?
a tribunal judges

two lay members for some type of case who have expertise in the relevant field
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Is legal aid available in tribunals and so
what does this mean for the applicants and the judge?
for many, no

applicants must represent themselves

the judge will make sure their case is put fully
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Are tribunal decisions binding?
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From which tribunal does the upper tribunal hear appeals from and how many chambers is it divided into?
decisions of the first tier tribunal

four chambers
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Where can further appeals be made to and then appeals from there?
the court of appeal

then to the supreme court
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Where are employment tribunals in relation to the reformed system currently?
outside of it
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Who hears employment tribunal cases?
a judge
two lay members
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Where are the two lay members each from and what does this give them?
one from an employers organisation
one from an employees organisation

gives them a clear understanding of employment issues
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What is the basic tribunal system? (bottom to top)
first tier tribunal ->

upper tribunal ->

court of appeal
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What is the tribunal system for employment tribunals?
employment tribunal ->

employment appeals tribunal ->

court of appeal
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What are the seven chambers that the first tier tribunal operates in?
- war, pensions and armed forces compensation
- social entitlement chamber
- health, education and social care chamber
- general regulatory chamber
- tax chamber
- immigration and asylum chamber
- property chamber
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What are the four chambers that the upper tribunal operates in?
- administrative appeals chamber

- tax and chancery chamber

- immigration and asylum chamber

- lands chamber
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


How many people is a tribunal composed of and what will they be?


three people

one legally qualified
two experienced in the area the tribunal concerns

Card 3


Which report made many recommendations relating to the openness, fairness and impartiality of tribunals?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What did Sir Andrew Leggatts's 2001 review of tribunals lead to?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What did the Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Act 2007 lead to for tribunals?


Preview of the front of card 5
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