English Language


Types of Nouns: What is A Common Noun?
This is a generalised term for something, for example a city.
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What is A Proper Noun?
This i normally a name of something e.g. London
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What is a count Noun? And what is a non count noun?
This is somethig that we can count, eg 'dogs and cats'. A non count noun is something we cant count eg 'water'.
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What is a collective noun?
This defines a group of objects, and are usually applied to animlas, eg a flock of sheep. However they can also be used to escribe people eg team.
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What is a concrete noun?
This is a noun which can either be seen,hard,touch or tasted(senses).eg ice cream.
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What is an abstract noun?
This is the opposite of a concrete noun, and is rather like a feeling. eg bravery or intelligence.
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Types of pronouns: What is a personal pronoun?
This refers to a specific person or thing and changes its form to indicate gender or number. They can also be split into subjective pronouns such as I,you,she,he,it,we and they. Obective personal pronouns are me,you,her,him,it us and them.
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What is a possessive pronoun?
This is used to replace a noun to show possession or ownership of an object. They include; mine,yours,his.hers,its, ours and theirs.
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What is a reflexive pronoun?
This refers back to the subject of the clause or sentence, eg 'himself' in the phrase 'He did it himself'.
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What is a demonstrsative pronoun?
This identifies a noun or a pronoun eg, this,that,there or those.
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What is an indefinite pronoun?
This refers to one or more unspecified beings,objects or places eg another,everything,some or all.
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What is a verb?
These are known as 'doing' words, and relate to an action of something eg run.(Also known as a dynamic verb).
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What are modal auxilliary verbs?
Used to express modality and in conjunction with other verbs eg can,might,could,should.
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What is a linking verb?
They connect the subject of the verb to additional information about the subject eg 'They SEEM very happy.
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What is a transitive verb?
Directed at an object, and therefore the sentence requies a subject and a verb and an object eg 'The dog "chased" the cat.
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What is an intransitive verb?
Oppsoite of a transitive verb eg arrived.
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What is a positive adjective?
This is the simplst form of an adjective, which doesnt express increase eg big.
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What is a comparative adjective?
This expresses and increase of the quality, and invloves the comparison of two things eg bigger.
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What is a superlative adjective?
This exprsses the greatst increase, and invloves the comparison of three or more things eg biggest.
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What are adverbs?
They are used to modify a verb. They are coomonly formed by adding 'ly' to the end of adjectives. However, not all have 'ly' eg quite or well.
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What is a preposition?
This relates to the position of something eg at,on; the direction eg into; and the time eg before or after.
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What is a coordinating conjunction?
joins tow or more items of equal importance together eg words to main clauses. An example is 'and', 'but' 'nor'.
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What is a correlative conjunction?
Thee are pairs of conjunctions that work together to coordinate two items eg neither,nor.
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What is a subordinating conjnction?
Conjuntion which introduces a dependant clause. It is used in complex sentences often, as the subordinating clause wouldnt work without the main clause. An example is because
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What is a determiner?
They are usually followed by a noun, and usually determine something in a sentence.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


This i normally a name of something e.g. London


What is A Proper Noun?

Card 3


This is somethig that we can count, eg 'dogs and cats'. A non count noun is something we cant count eg 'water'.


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Card 4


This defines a group of objects, and are usually applied to animlas, eg a flock of sheep. However they can also be used to escribe people eg team.


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Card 5


This is a noun which can either be seen,hard,touch or tasted(senses).eg ice cream.


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