
  • Created by: Ella
  • Created on: 08-01-18 11:46
What are comparative adjectives
compare one person or thing with another and enable us to say whether a person or thing has more or less of a particular quality. E.g. bigger, weaker.
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What are Superlative adjectives
describe one person or thing as having more of a quality than all other people or things in a group. E.g. biggest, weakest.
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What are prepositions
indicate how one thing is related to another. Can relate to position, direction or time. E.g. above, opposite, during, until.
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What are determiners
These precede nouns and refer directly to them.
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What is a definite article
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What is an indefinite aricle
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What are possessive determiners
my, our, your, his, her, its, their. Words such as her, your and there are determiners rather than pronouns because they precede nouns rather than take the place of them.
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What is a subordinate clause
a clause that cannot form a sentence on its own but can be joined to a main clause to form a sentence.
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What is a modifier
words that describe the head word or give us more information about it. Before head word = pre-modifier, after = post-modifier.
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What is an adverbial phrase
a kind of optional extra- it provides information of time or place or manner.
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What are auxilary verbs
(helping verbs) – verbs that are placed in front of main verbs. E.g. I must have been thinking about something else.
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What are relative clauses
give us more information about someone or something.
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What are synonyms
a word or phrase that has the same or nearly the same meaning as another word.
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What are antonyms
words that mean the opposite of another word.
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What is deixis
words that are context-bound where meaning depends on who is using them, and where and when they are being used.
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What is an anaphoric reference
making reference back to something previously identified in a text (often using pronouns to refer to an already established reference point eg “The woman stood by the door. She made detailed notes of what she could see”).
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What is a cataphoric reference
making reference forwards to something as yet unidentified in a text. Eg “It was warm. It was living. It was Uncle George.”
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What is an exophroric reference
making reference to things beyond the language of a text itself, perhaps within a speaker’s immediate physical context e.g. “Look at that”.
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What is a multi-modal text
texts that rely on the interplay of different codes (eg the visual, the written and the auditory) to help shape meaning.
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What are modal auxilaries
are only ever used in conjunction with a main verb. They are – can will shall may must could would should might. Modal verbs can significantly alter the tone or meaning of something that is said or written.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are Superlative adjectives


describe one person or thing as having more of a quality than all other people or things in a group. E.g. biggest, weakest.

Card 3


What are prepositions


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are determiners


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is a definite article


Preview of the front of card 5
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