
  • Created by: NC3
  • Created on: 21-03-24 08:59
How does Claudia assert her confidence in her understanding of Honor and George's relationship dynamics throughout the dialogue?
Throughout the dialogue, Claudia asserts her confidence in her understanding of Honor and George's relationship dynamics by questioning Sophie's knowledge of them. She references specific aspects such as Honor's poetry and the complexities of love and loy
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What linguistic and stylistic cues does the playwright use to depict Claudia as confident and assertive in her speech compared to Sophie?
The playwright uses linguistic and stylistic cues to depict Claudia as confident and assertive. Claudia's speech is fluent, direct, and often includes assertive language and declarative statements. She speaks with conviction and authority, displaying cert
2 of 5
In what ways does Sophie's speech pattern reflect her insecurities and lack of confidence?
Sophie's speech pattern reflects her insecurities and lack of confidence through hesitation, inarticulateness, and the use of qualifying language. She often stumbles over her words and expresses doubts about her own understanding, contrasting with Claudia
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How does Claudia challenge Sophie's perception of her parents' loyalty and love? What effect does this challenge have on Sophie?
Claudia challenges Sophie's perception of her parents' loyalty and love by questioning Sophie's knowledge of them and suggesting hidden complexities in their relationship. This challenge prompts Sophie to reconsider her beliefs and leads to moments of int
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What role does emotional vulnerability play in Sophie's communication with Claudia? How does it contrast with Claudia's controlled demeanor?
Sophie's communication with Claudia is characterized by emotional vulnerability, which contrasts with Claudia's controlled demeanor. Sophie openly expresses her insecurities and doubts, revealing her inner turmoil and longing for clarity and confidence.
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Card 2


The playwright uses linguistic and stylistic cues to depict Claudia as confident and assertive. Claudia's speech is fluent, direct, and often includes assertive language and declarative statements. She speaks with conviction and authority, displaying cert


What linguistic and stylistic cues does the playwright use to depict Claudia as confident and assertive in her speech compared to Sophie?

Card 3


Sophie's speech pattern reflects her insecurities and lack of confidence through hesitation, inarticulateness, and the use of qualifying language. She often stumbles over her words and expresses doubts about her own understanding, contrasting with Claudia


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Card 4


Claudia challenges Sophie's perception of her parents' loyalty and love by questioning Sophie's knowledge of them and suggesting hidden complexities in their relationship. This challenge prompts Sophie to reconsider her beliefs and leads to moments of int


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Card 5


Sophie's communication with Claudia is characterized by emotional vulnerability, which contrasts with Claudia's controlled demeanor. Sophie openly expresses her insecurities and doubts, revealing her inner turmoil and longing for clarity and confidence.


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