Energy, electricity and forces flash cards

  • Created by: a_k1302
  • Created on: 28-09-16 21:07
What is electrical current?
It is the flow of electricity around the current.
1 of 6
What two thing do you need for electrical current to flow?
a battery or power pack / electric circuit.
2 of 6
what happens if you dont have a battery?
There will be no flow elctricyt around the circuit.
3 of 6
what are the two types of circuits?
parrallel and serie circuit
4 of 6
if there are no branches then which types of circuit is it?
a series circuit
5 of 6
if there are branches then which type of circuit is it?
a parallel circuit
6 of 6

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Card 2


What two thing do you need for electrical current to flow?


a battery or power pack / electric circuit.

Card 3


what happens if you dont have a battery?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what are the two types of circuits?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


if there are no branches then which types of circuit is it?


Preview of the front of card 5
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