
  • Created by: Sophie_S
  • Created on: 01-06-23 21:31
Where does energy transfers occur?
all around us
1 of 24
What is one example of an energy transfer?
when you push an object
2 of 24
what do you use to push an object
3 of 24
work done is the energy transfered when what?
a force moves an object some distance
4 of 24
how do you calculate the work done?
using the formula force x distance
5 of 24
what are three units of measurements?
joules, newtons and metres
6 of 24
what does a force multiplier do?
it increases the effect of the force used
7 of 24
Whats an example of a force multiplier?
a lever
8 of 24
What is a pulley system an example of?
a simple machine
9 of 24
Temperature gives what sort of energy?
10 of 24
when we record how high the liquid gets; what is it called?
Measuring temperature
11 of 24
What hits the thermometer to get a higher temperature recording?
the particles
12 of 24
what is it called when If a hot object touches a colder object the energy will move (transfer) to the colder object.
a heat transfer
13 of 24
where does conduction occur?
in solids
14 of 24
where does convection occur?
in fluidst
15 of 24
the colder particles are slightly more what?
16 of 24
what do the dense colder particles do?
sink to the bottom
17 of 24
what is radiation
when all hot objects give off heat
18 of 24
what is insulation?
when many materials do not conduct heat
19 of 24
why is insulation good for our homes?
it keeps them warm
20 of 24
give two examples of insulation in homes.
double glazing for windows and foam in between walls
21 of 24
where does air get trapped in the two examples above?
in between the windows and in the foam
22 of 24
is air a good or bad conductor of heat and why?
A bad conductor of heat because the particles are far apart
23 of 24
why are some houses painted white?
to reflect the radiation from the sun
24 of 24

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is one example of an energy transfer?


when you push an object

Card 3


what do you use to push an object


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


work done is the energy transfered when what?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


how do you calculate the work done?


Preview of the front of card 5
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