EMPA Key Words

  • Created by: Shannon
  • Created on: 12-02-13 19:03
The Mean
Calculated when more than one repeat has been done. The sum of X divided by the total number of X.
1 of 12
This is used when you are comparing the amount produced of a substance/flow/ect. against time. It is measured in the units of the amount multiplied by time/1.
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Percentage Change
New Value - Old Value / Old Value : Allows for a fair comparison between results as initial values may have been different.
3 of 12
Value 1 / Value 2 : Allows for a fair comparison between results as initial values may have been different.
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Standard Deviation
This measure the spread of data and it can only be calculated when there is more than one repeat.
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Bar Chart
Use this when the controlled variable is: non-numerical or discontinuous.
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Use this when the controlled variable is: numerical or classified into groups.
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Line Graphs
Use this when the controlled variable is: numerical
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Data is valid if the measurements have been made by a single independent variable only. Controlled experiments and no bias make results valid.
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This makes results more reliable.
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A measurement close to the true value
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Very little spread around the mean value.
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Card 2


This is used when you are comparing the amount produced of a substance/flow/ect. against time. It is measured in the units of the amount multiplied by time/1.



Card 3


New Value - Old Value / Old Value : Allows for a fair comparison between results as initial values may have been different.


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Card 4


Value 1 / Value 2 : Allows for a fair comparison between results as initial values may have been different.


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


This measure the spread of data and it can only be calculated when there is more than one repeat.


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