Elements of Crime

Who is the primary readership demographic of crime novels?
1 of 12
What ere does the trope of the hard-boiled detective come from?
the American Golden Age of crime fiction
2 of 12
What is free indirect discourse?
only in 3rd person narratives
when the POV character's voice is heard through the text without speeah marks or indicators
3 of 12
What is a clue puzzle?
give an example.
carefully plotted detective fiction
e.g. Agatha Christie
4 of 12
Crime compared to tragedy?
A crime novel is a tragedy with
a happy ending
5 of 12
What does modern crime writing have that
Golden age does not?
a sense of horror about the death
perhaps no resolution
6 of 12
What does the creation of crime as a genre reflect about society at the time?
Developed in late 1800s when the Church was losing its control on society
-Crime fiction as a substitute for religious
-the detective replacing the priest
7 of 12
How does the importance of Gossip in crime fiction make a social critique?
Gossip is valued
it is a primary and important source of information
most associated with femininity though, so it being so valued subverts gender norms
8 of 12
Key elements of the police procedural?
Recurring characters
9 of 12
Characters in the Police procedural?
Detective relies on other characters to solve the crime
Detective obsessed with solving crime, often mavericks
Second character - confidant
Third character - Love interest
10 of 12
Police procedural:
What follows a detective's moment of self reflection?
A spurt of pro activity,
the ebb and flow of the plot
11 of 12
Accuracy in Police procedural?
law enforcement agency
courts and lawyers
12 of 12

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What ere does the trope of the hard-boiled detective come from?


the American Golden Age of crime fiction

Card 3


What is free indirect discourse?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is a clue puzzle?
give an example.


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Crime compared to tragedy?


Preview of the front of card 5
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