hamlet critic quotes.

  • Created by: rxyaalx
  • Created on: 18-02-21 16:52
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  • hamlet.
    • religion.
      • "All duties seem holy for Hamlet" - Van Goethe
      • "Hamlet is unable to carry out the sacred duty, imposed by divine authority, of punishing an evil man by death" - Bradley
      • "Despite the obsession throughout Hamlet, with what happens to humans after death - a central Christian concern - by the end, Hamlet no longer maintains any faith in an afterlife let alone redemption or salvation" - Stephen Barker
    • madness.
      • "Hamlet's madness is clearly feigned" - Johnson
      • "Sanity is humour" - Sir Herbert Tree
      • "The key comic element of the play is madness" - Sir Herbert Tree
    • loyalty.
      • "Horatio feels deeply; he loves Hamlet with all of his heart" - Amanda Mallibard.
      • "Horatio feels deeply; he loves Hamlet with all of his heart" - Amanda Mallibard.
    • hamlet's character.
      • "Hamlet is...rather an instrument than an agent" - Samuel Johnson
      • "Hamlet is obliged to act on the spur of the moment" - Coleridge
      • "Hamlet is an element of evil in the state of Denmark" - Wilson Knight
      • "Hamlet is in fact the poison in the veins of the community" - Wilson Knight
      • "The single characteristic of Hamlet's innermost nature is by no means irresolution or hesitation but rather the strong conflux of contending forces" - Swinburne
      • "Hamlet is a man too intellectual to be practical; he thinks too much and does too little" - Claude CH Williamson
      • "Hamlet's will is paralysed by his intellect" - Lowell
    • revenge.
      • "Revenge is always in excess of justice" - Belsey
      • "Revenge exists on a margin between justice and crime" - Belsey
      • "Revenge is not justice. It is rather an act of injustice on behalf of justice" - Belsey
      • "The desire for vengeance is seen as part of a continuing pattern of human conduct" - Alexander
      • "(Hamlet) because he cannot have his revenge perfect...he declines it altogether" - William Hazlitt
    • death.
      • "Hamlet is haunted, not by a physical fear of dying but of being dead" - C.S Lewis
      • "Hamlet is a play about death" - Fintan O'Toole




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