education T1 - class, external factors

what are the 3 external factors that effect class differences in achievement
cultural deprivation
material deprivation
cultural capital
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define cultural deprivation
where a person has inferior norms, values and knowledge
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Centre for longitudinal studies stat
by age of 3 children from disadvantaged backgrounds are already 1 year behind those from more privileged homes (and the gap widens with age)
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3 ways cultural deprivation disadvantages working class children
language, parents education and working class subcultures
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3 theorists that suggest why language may disadvantage WC students
Hubbs-tait et al- where parents use language that challenges their children to evaluate their own understanding e.g. 'what do you think?'
Feinstein (2008) - educated parents are more likely to use language in this way, less ed parents use languge that req
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more on language - Bernstein
speed codes
restricted code - limited vocabulary, grammatically simple, context bound
elaborate code -grammatically complex, abstract, context free, wider vocab
elaborate code used in textbooks and exam questions
school fails to teach WC students how to
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4 reasons why parents education may effect differences in achievement
parenting style
parents educational behaviours
use of income
class, income and parental education - even within a social class, better educated parents tend to have children who are more successful at school
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theorist for use of income (CC)
Bernstein and young - MC mothers more likely t buy educational toys, boys, activities and better understanding of nutrition - develop and stimulate
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theorists for parents education
Douglas - WC parents place less value oneducatin and are less ambitious for their children, less encouragement and less interest
Feinstein - parents own education is most important factor affecting kids achievement as MC parents have advantages in social
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theorist for working class subculture
sugarman - WC subculture has 4 features that act as a barrier to ed achievement
fatalism - whatever will be will be
collectivism - value being part of a group
Immediate gratification - pleasure NOW!
present-time orientation - present more important than
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2 ways WC subculture effects educational achievement
operation head start in USA (pre school ed in deprived areas - included sesame street transmit values of numeracy) + educational priority areas in UK (sure start)
keddie - cultural de
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define material deprivation
poverty and lack of material necessities such as adequate housing and income
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statistics on material deprivation
Jon Flaherty - money problems on the family are a significant factor in younger children's absence at school
nearly 90% of failing schools are located in deprived areas
exclusion and truancy is more likely for children from poorer families
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3 reasons why material deprivation affects differences in achievement
diet and health
Financial support and the costs of education
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How does HOUSING effect differences in achievement
directly - overcrowding (hard to study), disturbed sleep, impaired development through lack of space for safe play, frequent movement= change of schools
indirectly - health and wear, accidents, cold or damp, ill health, psychological distress, infections
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how does DIET AND HEALTH effect differences in achievement
Howard - young people from poorer homes have lower intakes of energy, vitamins and minerals
poor nutrition - bad health - weaker immune system - absence from school - difficulty concentrating at school
Wilkinson - among 10 year olds, the lower social cl
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how does FINANCIAL SUPPORT AND THE COSTS OF ED effect differences in achievement
Bull - 'the costs of free schooling'
Flaherty - fear of stigmatisation may help explain why 20% of those eligible for FSM don't take their entitlement
Ridge - children in poverty take on jobs such as babysitting, cleaning, paper rounds - negative impact
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how does FINANCIAL SUPPORT AND THE COSTS OF ED effect differences in achievement (fear of debt)
Callender and Jackson - WC students more debt averse (saw debt negatively as something to be avoided), the debt averse students are 5x less likely to apply to uni than debt tolerant students
increases in tuition fees to £9000 deter debt averse students
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define Bordieu's cultural capital
cultural capital comprises the social assets of a person that promote social mobility in a stratified society
the attitudes, values, knowledge, tastes, language and abilities of the MC
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what are the 3 types of capital
cultural, economic and educational
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how can economic capital be converted into educational capital
e.g. wealthier parents - economic to educational by sending their children to private schools and paying tuition
Leech and Campos - study of coventry- MC parents more likely to afford houses in catchment area of highly ranked school - 'selection by mortg
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who tested Bordieu's ideas and how
Alice Sullivan
questionnaire survey of 465 students in 4 schools, assessed CC; reading, tv habits, activities, vocab, and knowledge of cultural figures
pupils with greatest CC were children of graduates
where CC was equal among MC and WC pupils, MC sti
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


define cultural deprivation


where a person has inferior norms, values and knowledge

Card 3


Centre for longitudinal studies stat


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


3 ways cultural deprivation disadvantages working class children


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


3 theorists that suggest why language may disadvantage WC students


Preview of the front of card 5
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