ecosystems and photosynthesis

What is photosynthesis and what is the word equation for it?
Photosynthesis is how plants produce some of the nutrients they need to survive. The word equation is: carbon dioxide+water=oxygen+glucose.
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Why is photosynthesis an important process?
Photosynthesis is an important process beacuse it is the means by which energy can enter the food chain.
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What is the waxy cuticle?
The waxy cuticle is the waterproof top layer of the leaf.It prevents water from escaping from the uppermost surface.
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What is the stoma in a leaf?
The stoma are open pores which allow gas exchange with the environment.They can close when water is low to make sure that little is lost,meaning photosynthesis can still happen.
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What is a spongy mesophyll?
The spongy mesophyll is a layer of a cells with air spaces so that gases can diffuse in and around the leaf.
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What is the palisade layer?
The palisade is a layer of tightly packed cells that are filled with chloroplasts.This makes sure that almost all light is absorbed and little light can pass through.
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What is respiration?
There are two different forms of respiration: aerobic(this uses oxygen) and anaerobic(this doesn't use oxygen)Anaerobic respiration is different in different organisms.We can exploit this quality when it comes to making bread or alchol.
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What is aerobic repirtation?
Aerobic respiration is how living things usually release the energy that they need to survive.The equation for aerobic respiration is:oxygen+glucose=water+carbon dioxide
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What is anaerobic respiration?
When is there plenty of oxygen,living things can respire aerobically(that just means with oxygen).But there is limited oxygen ,then a new form of respiration must be used.This is called anaerobic respiration.
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What is the equation for anaerobic respiration?
glucose=lactic acid
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Card 2


Why is photosynthesis an important process?


Photosynthesis is an important process beacuse it is the means by which energy can enter the food chain.

Card 3


What is the waxy cuticle?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is the stoma in a leaf?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is a spongy mesophyll?


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