Economies of scale

economies of scale
a reduction in unit costs acheived as the scale of production increases
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gained as a benefit of being able to purchase supplies in larger quantities which means a larger discount is more likely
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larger firms are more likely to be able to negotiate cheaper loans and easier for them to get loans as they are less risk to lenders
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larger firms can employ specialist managers to allow to firm to operate more efficiently amd effectively
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bigger firm can gain benefit of buying more effective equiptment that smaller firms are unable to invest in
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larger firms are able to use more effective methods of marketing, above the line methods are only available to larger firms
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larger firms can spread risk by expanding into different products - could even take over suppliers which allows them to reduce costs
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firms benefit as industry grows in specific region as skilled labour moves to that area, local training colleges and suppliers specific to industry locate nearby all reducing costs
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information services, such as internet, are set up and benefit industry
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communication problems
bigger firm will have more difficulty communicating effectively to large no. of staff makes decision making more complex and slow
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problems managing production process
large scale production means increased storage costs and maybe the need for physical growth which involves fixed costs
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reduction in morale
workers tend to feel sense of belonging and feel less important as firm grows, will be less inclined to push themselves, labour turnover + absentee rates rise therefore costs rise too
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Card 2


gained as a benefit of being able to purchase supplies in larger quantities which means a larger discount is more likely



Card 3


larger firms are more likely to be able to negotiate cheaper loans and easier for them to get loans as they are less risk to lenders


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Card 4


larger firms can employ specialist managers to allow to firm to operate more efficiently amd effectively


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Card 5


bigger firm can gain benefit of buying more effective equiptment that smaller firms are unable to invest in


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