Economic Principles Terms (A)

Definitions of key terms for basic economic principles beginning with the letter A

  • Created by: Chloe
  • Created on: 18-04-13 20:06
absolute advantage
a country has an absolute advantage over another in the product of a good if it can produce it with less resources than the other country can
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Accelerationist theory
The theory that unemployment can only be reduced below the natural level at the cost of accelerating inflation
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accelerator theory
the level of investment depends on the rate of change of national income, and as a result tends to be subject to substantial fluctuations
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active balances
money held for transactions and precautionary purposes
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actual growth
the percentage annual increase in national output actually produced
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ad valorem tariffs
tariffs levied as a percentage of the price of the import
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ad valorem tax
a tax on a good levied as a percentage of its value. It can be a single-stage tax or a multi-stage tac (such as VAT)
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adaptive expectations hypothesis
the theory that people base their expectations of inflation based on past inflation rates
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adjustable peg
a system whereby exchange rates are fixed for a period of time but may be devalued (or revalued) if a deficit (or surplus) becomes substantial
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aggregate demand
total spending on goods and services made in the economy. It consists of 4 elements: consumer spending (C), investment (I), government spending (G) and the expenditure on exports (X) minus the expenditure on imports (M). AD = C + I + G + X - M
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aggregate demand for labour curve
a curve showing the total demand for labour in the economy at different levels of real wage rates (downward sloping)
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aggregate supply
the total amount of output in the economy
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aggregate supply of labour curve
a curve showing the total amount of people willing and able to work at different average real wage rates
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allocative efficiency
a situation where the current combination of goods produced and sold gives the maximum satisfaction for each consumer at their current levels of income. NB a redistribution of income would lead to a different combination of goods that was efficient
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a rise in the free-market exchange rate of the domestic currency with foreign currencies
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arc elasticity
the measurement of elasticity between two points in a curve
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possessions, or claims held on others
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asymmetric information
where on party in an economic relationship has more information than another
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asymmetric shocks
shocks (such as an oil price increase or a recession in another part of the world) that have different-sized effects on different industries, regions or countries
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automatic fiscal stabilisers
tax revenues that rise and government expenditure that falls as national income rises. The more they change ith income, the biggere the
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average (total) cost
total cost (fixed plus variable) per unit of output (AC = TC/Q = AFC + AVC)
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average cost pricing
where firms set the price by adding a profit mark-up to the average cost
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average fixed cost
total cost per unit of output AFC = TFC/Q
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Average formula for price elasticity of demand (or 'mid-point' formula)
∆Qd/average Qd ÷ ∆P/average P
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Average physical product
total output (TPP) per unit of the variable factor in question (APP = TPP/Qv)
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Average rate of income tax
income taxes as a proportion of a person's total (gross) income: T/Y
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average revenue
total revenue per unit of output. When all output is sold at the same price, average revenue will be the same as price: AR = TR/Q = P
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average variable cost
total variable cost per unit of output: AVC = TVC/Q
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


The theory that unemployment can only be reduced below the natural level at the cost of accelerating inflation


Accelerationist theory

Card 3


the level of investment depends on the rate of change of national income, and as a result tends to be subject to substantial fluctuations


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


money held for transactions and precautionary purposes


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


the percentage annual increase in national output actually produced


Preview of the back of card 5
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