earth his quiz 21-26

The term Eemian relates to what MIS?
MIS5e (130-116 Ka, last interglacial period before Holocene)
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The name Eemian come from?
River Eem
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In the UK the Last Interglacial is referred to as?
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What are they key last interglacial sites in the UK?
Trafalgar Square and Bobbits Hole.
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What was the typical interglacial vegetation in the UK during the Last Interglacial?
Park tundra, birch pine, maple and horbean
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Was the UK inhabited during the Last Interglacial?
Yes, with African wildlife
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The last interglacial dates
130 -116 ka
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The winter ice limit in the Northern hemisphere was how many km’s further north then it is today?
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Sea level during the Last Interglacial was approximately how many meters high then today?
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What happened during the Last Interglacial in Greenland?
Ice sheet retreated
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Global mean temperature during the Last Interglacial was approximately how many degrees high then today?
2 degrees
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The UK equivalent of the Windermere Interstadial and the Younger Dryas Stadial is what? and when do they date to?
Devensian late-glacial (12.9-11.7 Ka)
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. The Younger Dryas was characterised by the re-expansion of an ice sheet and glaciers in which parts of the UK?
W Scotland
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. How big was the Younger Dryas ice sheet in the UK?
112,500 km2
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The flora of the UK during the Late-glacial was characterised by which taxa?
Tundra Vegetation
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Is there a global Younger Dryas signal?
yes re-expansion of ice sheets
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The Younger Dryas is thought to have been caused by what environmental event?
Changing position of polar front. Outburst of glacial meltwater Lake Agassiz (N. America) causes shutdown of the Atlantic ocean overturning circulation.
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The Younger Dryas in North America was coincident with the extinction of which mega-fauna and palaeo Indian societies?
Clovis hunters, dire wolves, camels, giant sloths, mammals…
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What is the evidence for a meteorite impact in N America during the Younger Dryas?
Carbon rich black layer, 25 sites containing metal spheres of quartz, iridium carbon.
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The start of the Holocene is dates to what age?
11.7 ka
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How stable was the Early Holocene climate across the circum North Atlantic?
Fairly stable but there was an 8.2 Ka cold event (weakening of Atlantic overturning)
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Which Milankovitch cycles are of particular importance during the Holocene?
Precession, causing summer insolation changes.
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Holocene sea-levels peaked when?
At the present
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. How did June insolation in mid latitude NW Europe change after 6000 cal yr BP?
Decline by 15 W/m2 by 2000 yr BP
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. Was there a global change in climate after 6000 cal yr BP? Examples?
Decline in northern average high temperatures and decline in Asian monsoon due to reduced continental heating.
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Duration of Bond Cycle?
1500 yrs
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When was the Medieval warm period in Europe? What was the climate like at this time?
AD 950-1250, warm climate in North Atlantic.
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When was the Little Ice Age in Europe? What was the climate like at this time?
AD 1300-1870, cooler climate.
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What are the main forcing factors driving climate in the Late-Holocene?
Volcanic, solar, anthropogenic (fossil fuels, aerosols, land use, deforestation)
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What does the term ‘anthropocene’ relate to?
Human activity influencing biosphere and atmosphere at a global scale.
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How is the boundary between the palaeo-anthropocene and anthropocene defined?
Burning of fossil fuels took off in the Industrial Revolution
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. What are the proposed four stages of the anthropocene?
Palaeanthropocene, industrial revolution (~1800), great acceleration (~1950), next 100 years
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. What are the proposed four stages of the anthropocene?
Palaeanthropocene, industrial revolution (~1800), great acceleration (~1950), next 100 years
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The extinction of mega-fauna in Australia has been dated to?
50-45 Ka
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. The extinction of mega-fauna in North America has been dated to?
Late glacial (13- 10 Ka)
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. Proposed date for the dawn of the modern mind?
170 Ka or 40 Ka (art and culture)
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When did the Homo neanderthalensis become extinct?
24 ka
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Earlist evidence for hominids in the Uk? Where wass it found?
Footprints and stone tools in Happisburgh (990-780 Ka).
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What is Earliest evidence for H. heidelbergensis in the UK? Where was it found?
400Ka, Swanscombe.
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What is the date of the mid-upper palaeolithic boundary in the UK?
40 of 45
Where were the main centres of agricultural development in the neolithic?
‘Fertile crescent’ (Turkey-Iraq), India, N.Africa, Northern S. America, China
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Why did agriculture develop?
Sea level rise (fertile lands), warmer period, higher CO2, and culturally modern humans with appropriate technology
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. What were the key crops during the Neolithic?
Teonsite, Maize, Millet and Rice
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Date for the onset of agriculture in the UK?
6 Ka
44 of 45
. What role may the black sea have played in the expansion of agriculture across Europe during the Holocene?
Flood in 7.6 Ka led to spread of people across Europe who were using agricultural methods in fertile lands by the Black Sea
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


The name Eemian come from?


River Eem

Card 3


In the UK the Last Interglacial is referred to as?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are they key last interglacial sites in the UK?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What was the typical interglacial vegetation in the UK during the Last Interglacial?


Preview of the front of card 5
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