Early Territorial Expansion.

  • Created by: cieran_10
  • Created on: 08-03-18 23:13
When did America gain their independence from Britain?
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How long after independence did westward expansion begin?
Almost immediately.
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Give three European countries that has previously colonised America.
Spain, France and Britain.
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By the 18th century, how many colonies did Britain have on the east coats of America?
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When did the American colonies SAY that they were the independent USA and what did this lead to and when was this?
In 1776 and this lead to the Revolutionary War (1775-1783.)
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How did the Revolutionary War end?
By Britain recognising the USA as independent.
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What territory, other than the east coast, did the USA get from Britain?
The Northwest territories.
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In what year did Washington become president and what did he introduced?
1789 and he introduced the American constitution (a set of laws.)
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By what year, had the 13 colonies been admitted into the USA?
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What did the Northwest Ordinance say and when was it introduced?
It said that the Northwest territory gained should be cut into states and that these should be admitted into the USA, this happened in 1787.
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Why was the Northwest Ordinance significant in the history of America?
As it planned westward expansion.
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What was the first Northwest Territory state admitted into the Union?
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What did the admittance of Ohio do for future state admittances?
It established a system.
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Name the 13 original states of America.
Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Pennsylvania, New York (state), Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Jersey, Maryland and Delaware.
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In what year did the USA buy the Louisiana territory from France?
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How many square miles of land did the Louisiana territory occupy?
800,000 square miles.
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How clear were the Louisiana Purchase boundaries?
Not very clear.
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How many states would be formed on the Louisiana Territory in the future?
15 states.
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Where did the US government CLAIM was part of the Louisiana territory, but who did this actually belong to?
West Florida, even though this was owned by Spain.
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In what year did the American people of West Florida revolt against Spanish rule there?
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How did the Americans secure West Florida after the revolt and what did President Madison then do?
By occupying the area with soldiers and he then declared it as US land.
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In what treaty and when did Spain legally give the US West Florida?
In the 1819 Adams-Onis Treaty.
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What did the Louisiana Purchase encourage and why? (3.)
Westward migration, especially from the East, as it provided MORE land for them, which attracted them from the crowded East.
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Why was the Louisiana Purchase significant for US trade. (2.)
As it gave them control over the Mississippi River and it offered easy transcontinental transport for both people and goods.
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What did President Jefferson commission?
The Lewis and Clark Expedition.
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What was the purpose of the Lewis and Clark expedition? (2.)
To explore the new (for the US) Louisiana Territory and see what they could use it for.
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When did the Lewis and Clark expedition reach the west?
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What did the Louisiana HELP the Americans to do?
Establish their independent nation.
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What two things did the Louisiana Purchase give the USA, in relation to the world as a whole?
More power and confidence in the world as a whole.
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When was the second war between Britain and America and what did this do for expansion?
It was in 1812 and made expansion easier for them.
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Why did America declare war on Britain in 1812? Give three reasons.
As they were offended that the British were limiting the trade to America, that they were forcing US sailors to join the navy and that they were supporting the native Americans in their fight against the US.
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When did the USA's second war with Britain end?
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Who as the winner in the 2nd British-American war?
There wasn't a clear one.
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What did the Treaty of Ghent do for the British and Americans, after their 2nd war with each other.
It agreed that things would go back to how they were before that war.
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Who was badly effected by the 2nd British-American war?
Eastern Native Americans.
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What was the 2nd British-American war seen as to Americans?
A second war of FINAL independence.
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How did Britain support the native Americans? (2.)
By stopping westward expansion, which affected their land.
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What did the English do, which affected the support the support given to the Native Americans?
They withdrew their support.
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What did Shawnee tribe leader, Tecumseh, do for ALL Native American tribes?
He attempted to unite them.
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Why was Tecumseh unsuccessful in his efforts?
As he was killed when helping the British during the war, which meant that there was nobody to replace him.
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Give two reasons as to why the Native Americans were less able to resist westward expansion from the white American settlers.
As they had lost their external ally and there were no longer united.
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Following the death of Tecumseh, what did the American government do, to benefit themselves and what wastes benefit?
They made over 200 treaties with Native American tribes, to get their land.
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Why did Americans expand westward?
As they believed it was their right to do so/manifest destiny.
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Between what years was Thomas Jefferson President of the USA?
From 1801 to 1809.
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What did Jefferson believe land ownership and farming would give to the American population? (2.)
Health and virtues.
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What three things did Westward expansion promise to the American people?
Freedom, independence and opportunity.
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Why did an increasing population lead to Westward expansion? (2.)
As people needed more land to farm on and make a living from.
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When did the construction of the 620 mile long National Road begin and what two places did it connect?
It began in 1811 and it connected the East Coast to Illinois.
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When did the 353 mile long Eerie Canal open and where did it connect?
It opened in 1825 and it connected New York to the Great Lakes.
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When were steamboats introduced?
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Why were the new trade links useful for farmers?
As it connected the western ones to the Easter markets, helping them to get a profit form their animals and crop.
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Why did farming attract people west? (2.)
As the new farming technology made it more attractive and profitable, meaning may people went west to find cheap space to do this.
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When was the Mechanical Grain Reaper invented?
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What did the Mechanical Grain Reaper allow people to do?
Harvest crops more efficiently.
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By what year had 26 states been added to the Union from the American-owned territories?
By 1838.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


How long after independence did westward expansion begin?


Almost immediately.

Card 3


Give three European countries that has previously colonised America.


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


By the 18th century, how many colonies did Britain have on the east coats of America?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


When did the American colonies SAY that they were the independent USA and what did this lead to and when was this?


Preview of the front of card 5
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