Dystopia AO5

"Margaret Atwood's 'The Handmaid Tale' paints a cautionary tale of postfeminist future shock, picturing a nation formed by a backlash of feminism as well as the New England Puritan history of her repressive 22nd society."
NYT Editor's Choice Pick, 1986
1 of 15
“For me, it’s not a feminist story. It’s a human story because women’s rights are human rights.”
Margaret Atwood, named Humanist of the year soon after the publication of The Handmaid’s Tale
2 of 15
Around the US, hundreds of new restrictions on abortion and the access to birth control have been introduced across the country...legalized abortion in the US passed in 1973, being reversed is a very real threat.”
Margaret Atwood
3 of 15
“I would not put any events into the book that have not already happened in what James Joyce called ‘the nightmare of history’.”
Margaret Atwood
4 of 15
“Dystopian literature views the inevitably of the destruction of the world if humans continue to follow their present course as an effect of the novel.”
Linda Woodson
5 of 15
“Weapons are not scary…language is”
John Wain
6 of 15
“The expansion of language is the ability to think.”
Tom Myers
7 of 15
“Why does infertility turn into yet another unhealthy competition for women?”
Carleen Tibbet
8 of 15
“The scenario make society to look like a battle field where there are very few winners”
Unknown critic
9 of 15
The Handmaid’s Tale has been labelled as a “female 1984”.
Unknown critic
10 of 15
Why an author writes, always relevant, history repeats itself, "His subject matter will be determined by the age he lives in"
George Orwell
11 of 15
"By definition, dystopian literature is a futuristic imagined universe in which oppressive societal control and the illusion of a perfect society are maintained through corporate, bureaucratic technological, moral or totalitarian control."
Erika Gottlieb
12 of 15
Donald trump and the 'Handmaid tale' protests against gender discrimination and the infringement of reproductive rights
Donald Trump, 2016 presidential elections
13 of 15
"Offred has her social value reduced to reproduction and her personal freedom completely curtailed."
14 of 15
"Do you not begin to see then, what kind of world it is we are creating? it is the exact opposite of the stupid hedonistic Utopias that the old reformers imagined."
15 of 15

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Card 2


Margaret Atwood, named Humanist of the year soon after the publication of The Handmaid’s Tale


“For me, it’s not a feminist story. It’s a human story because women’s rights are human rights.”

Card 3


Margaret Atwood


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


Margaret Atwood


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Linda Woodson


Preview of the back of card 5
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