Other questions in this quiz

2. "There is a (1)._____ and ambitious devil is (2)._____ in this (3)._____" (Quote has not been misspelt)

  • 1. Scandalous 2.Leading 3. Bedroom
  • 1. Lustful 2. Leading 3. Circle
  • 1.Saucy 2. Dancing 3. circle
  • 1. Spicy 2. Dancing 3. Bedroom

3. "The wolf shall find her (1)_____ and (2)_____ it up, Not to _____ the corpse, but to discover the horrid murder"

  • 2.Corpse 2. Uncover 3. Consume
  • 1.Grave 2.Scrape 3.Devour
  • 1.Grave 2. Dig 3. Devour
  • 1.Corpse 2. Dig 3. Consume

4. It's like a common 1._____, whence should flow pure 2._____ drops in general, but if't chance some 3._____ example poison't near the 4._____, death and Misfortune through the world land will spread

  • 1. Fountain, 2. Silver, 3.Cursed, 4. Head
  • 1. Fountain, 2. Gold, 3.Tampered, 4. Crown
  • 1. Fountain, 2. Gold, 3.Cursed, 4. Crown
  • 1. Fountain, 2. Gold, 3. Altered, 4. Head
  • 1. Fountain, 2. Silver, 3.Tamperd, 4. Crown

5. "Search the heads of the greatest rivers in the world, you shall bubbles of water" what was so controversial about this statement?

  • Bosola is claiming that, like the common man, there is nothing inherently special about Kings or queens, which actively decries thidea of "Divine right of kings"
  • Bosoal is claiming that, like the common man, Kings and queens like bundles in water, common and only appear for a short amount of time before popping. His nihilistic views adds to his Machiavellian persona.
  • Bosola is claiming that Kings and Queens a like are inherently unqualified as there heads merrely contain empty air like "Bubbles". This would have been considered highly offensive to most monarchs.


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