Other questions in this quiz

2. What is hepatitis?

  • Meningitis in a much much larger and severe scale
  • a disease characterized by the inflamation of the lungs
  • a disease characterized by the inflamation of the liver
  • a disease characterized by the inflamation of the body

3. How may smoking lead to cancer?

  • Turns lungs black
  • Tar buildup - contains carcinogens that can lead to mutations and tumors
  • Tar buildup - leads to cancer
  • Tar buildup - cells producing mucus are over stimulated

4. What happens when a phagocyte engulfs a bacterium?

  • It creates a vacuole and secretes digestive enzymes into it
  • It creates a hole and secretes enzymes into it
  • The pseudopodia grab it and tear it apart
  • Antibodies are produced to neutralize antigens

5. What is the name of mucus producing cells?

  • Goblet cells
  • Surface epithelium
  • Mucosal epithelium
  • Seromucous glands


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