Discuss Bowlby's monotropic theory

  • Created by: danbot77
  • Created on: 27-04-21 14:54
What are social releasers and what is an example?
Humans are genetically programmed to help maintain closeness or proximity with a caregiver. These behaviours could be smiling to maintain attention or crying to get attention.
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What is the critical period?
This is a time frame which attachments must form in. This is a year for some children and from 2.5-3 years for all children. If mothering didn't take place in this critical period then they can't form attachments.
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What two things affect the quality of attachment formed?
How consistent and predictable the care is.
How of often the caregiver and infant are separated. This is called the law of accumulated separation.
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What is the internal working model?
The first attachment creates a template for future relationships. Also affects how that child will parent themselves. (continuity hypothesis) This attachment will pass on to the next generation (inter-generational transmission of attachment).
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What is one support of Bowlby's idea of social releasers?
Brazleton et al observed mothers and their babies during their interactions and told the mothers to ignore the social releasers. Babies initially were distressed then were motionless. Supports Bowlby's idea of the behaviour eliciting care.
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What is one support of Bowlby's internal working model?
Hazan and Shaver made a love quiz and found that the attachments people had from childhood were related to future relationships. This supports Bowlby's idea of the internal working model as people use their first attachment to create others.
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What is one criticism of Bowlby's idea of monotropy?
Schaffer and Emerson found that 1/3 of babies formed an attachment with several people. Preferred whoever was most sensitive. Not all babies form their first attachment to one specific person. Glaser says however there is a hierarchy of attachments.
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What is one criticism of Bowlby's concept of monotropy?
Feminists like Burman say that mothers are blamed for failures that are out of their control. This pushes women into life choices like being out of work. Law of accumulated separation is socially sensitive. Perpetuates old beliefs.
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Card 2


What is the critical period?


This is a time frame which attachments must form in. This is a year for some children and from 2.5-3 years for all children. If mothering didn't take place in this critical period then they can't form attachments.

Card 3


What two things affect the quality of attachment formed?


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Card 4


What is the internal working model?


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Card 5


What is one support of Bowlby's idea of social releasers?


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