Digital Representation of Images and Sound

Describe how bit patterns may represent other forms of data, including graphics and sound.
Bit patterns can be used to store information about other forms of data, for example images can be stored using the images height and width in pixels with the colour depth and sound can be stored as digital samples of the original sound.
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Understand the difference between analogue and digital data and signals.
Analogue data are data that are infinitely variable and are often represented in the form of a wave. Digital data are often represented as a sequence of 0s and 1s. Analogue data can be transmitted as electrical signals.
2 of 5
Describe the principles of operation of an analogue to digital converter (ADC).
A microphone converts the sound energy into electrical energy. The ADC samples the analogue data at a given frequency, measures the amplitude of the wave at each point and converts it into a binary value using the resolution of each sample.
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Card 2


Analogue data are data that are infinitely variable and are often represented in the form of a wave. Digital data are often represented as a sequence of 0s and 1s. Analogue data can be transmitted as electrical signals.


Understand the difference between analogue and digital data and signals.

Card 3


A microphone converts the sound energy into electrical energy. The ADC samples the analogue data at a given frequency, measures the amplitude of the wave at each point and converts it into a binary value using the resolution of each sample.


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Card 4




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Card 5




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