Digital analysis

  • Created by: 30235351
  • Created on: 29-11-23 10:18
Name some characteristics of pseudocode
Logical sequencing of events, finiteness
1 of 5
Identify and describe two steps to identifying and recognising patterns when beginning to code
Identify and interpret common differences in problems or systems, identify individual elements in the pattern, describe patterns that have been identified, making predictions based on identified patterns
2 of 5
Explain the differences between general and specific detail when using abstraction
general details involve high-level overarching concepts or characteristics that capture the essential features of a system without going into specific details. specific details however include low-level specific information that deals with the concrete as
3 of 5
Describe two advantages of using a flow chart to represent an algorithm
The order of the algorithm can be seen clearly, flowcharts are created with a standardised set of symbols so can be interpreted and understood by many people, changes to the design may result in the flowchart being amended or redrawn.
4 of 5
5 of 5

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Identify and describe two steps to identifying and recognising patterns when beginning to code


Identify and interpret common differences in problems or systems, identify individual elements in the pattern, describe patterns that have been identified, making predictions based on identified patterns

Card 3


Explain the differences between general and specific detail when using abstraction


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Describe two advantages of using a flow chart to represent an algorithm


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5




Preview of the front of card 5


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