
jennifer coates 1995
women talk about feelings and relationships wheres as men talk about gadgets and use referential language.
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Swann and Graddol 1995
a high use of short responses may signal 'collaboration' (support from other speakers) or competitiveness
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Pamela Fishman 1980
women ask a lot of questions to keep the conversation flowing.
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Janet Hyde 2005
proposed the gender similarities hypothesis, clamming that were more similarities than differences between male and female language. when differences occur they are due to other factors (age,ethnicity)
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Majorie Goodwin 1980
in a study of children speech, she found that boys used directive imperatives whereas girls used suggestions
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Maltz and Borker 1982
girl and boys play in single sex peer groups. boys play in large groups and learn direct confrontational speech. girls play in small groups of 'best friends' and learn intimate language and minimize conflict.
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James and Drakich 1993
studies found that males talk more than females .
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Caladas-Coulthard 1995
looking at represensataions of gender in newspapers she concluded that men in gemneral are represensted as speakin fin their proffessional roles whereas women are represented within the private sphere.
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Johnson and Finlay 1997
men use football talk to create in group solidarity(gossip) but it excludes private and personal talk.
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Janet Holmes 1984
saw women's language as cooperative. men's as competitive.
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Woods 1989
gender in the workplace- males subordinates dominate by holding the floor longer than females. males interrupt more and deny females the opportunity to speak. gender overrides status in the workplace.
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Peter trudgil 1974
How male and female speakers pronounced the suffix-ing in Norwich. Men tended to use a non standard pronunciation and women over reported
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Jenny Cheshire 1982
Analysed the talk of teenagers in reading and found that boys used non aha are forms more than girls
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Zimmerman and West 1975
Found that 96% of all interruptions in mixed sex conversations were made by men
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Jennifer Coates 1989
Suggested that all female talk is essentially cooperative in the way speakers help to negotiate discussions and support each other's rights as speakers
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Jane Pilkington 1992
Women in the same sex talk were more collaborative than men were in male talk.
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Holmes and Stubbs 2006
Gender in the workplace some women adopt a mother role
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Litosseliti 2006
Gender in the workplace. The mother role illustrates how women attempt to construct socially acceptable identities for themselves to avoid negative evaluation.
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Card 2


a high use of short responses may signal 'collaboration' (support from other speakers) or competitiveness


Swann and Graddol 1995

Card 3


women ask a lot of questions to keep the conversation flowing.


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Card 4


proposed the gender similarities hypothesis, clamming that were more similarities than differences between male and female language. when differences occur they are due to other factors (age,ethnicity)


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Card 5


in a study of children speech, she found that boys used directive imperatives whereas girls used suggestions


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