
whats the difference between type 1 diabetes and type 2?
type 1 dose not produce any insulin. type 2 produces insulin but the body does not respond to it.
1 of 12
how can you control type 1 diabetes?
1) avoiding certain foods 2)injecting insulin into your body
2 of 12
what part of the body do you inject insulin into ?
the subcutaneous tissue
3 of 12
what effects the amount of insulin needed to be injected ?
1)their diet E.G. eating healthy reduces the amount of insulin needed 2)how much exercise E.G. doing more exercise reduces the amount of insulin needed
4 of 12
what risks can cause diabetes 2?
1)lack of exercise 2) fatty diet 3)getting old 4) being obese
5 of 12
what does BMI stand for?
body mass index
6 of 12
what do doctors class as obese ?
a BMI over 30
7 of 12
what is the equation for your BMI ?
BMI = weight in kilograms/ (height in meters) sqaured
8 of 12
how can type 2 diabetes be treated
by changing their diet and doing more exercise
9 of 12
what si type 1 diabetes ?
it is when the pancreas does not produce insulin
10 of 12
what is type 2 diabetes ?
when the body does not respond to the insulin being produced
11 of 12
what is subcutaneous tissue?
fatty tissue
12 of 12

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Card 2


how can you control type 1 diabetes?


1) avoiding certain foods 2)injecting insulin into your body

Card 3


what part of the body do you inject insulin into ?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what effects the amount of insulin needed to be injected ?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what risks can cause diabetes 2?


Preview of the front of card 5
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