Developmental Psychology

Who is responsible for sociocultural theory?
1 of 47
Who is responsible for Core-Knowledge theory?
2 of 47
Who is responsible for information-processing theory?
3 of 47
Who is responsible for dynamic-systems theory?
4 of 47
Which theory can explain why children understand unobservable phenomenon (e.g. gravity)?
5 of 47
overlapping-waves theory forms part of which wider developmental theory?
6 of 47
due to perceptual narrowing, infants sensory discrimination is often...
better than adults
7 of 47
Murray et al. (2016) shows what about intermodal perception
children can do this very early on
8 of 47
Adolph's (1997) visual cliff experiment demonstrates what?
children have to learn to integrate perception to each new motor skill
9 of 47
in Sub-Saharan Africa, motor stimulation is ____, and this ____ early motor development.
encouraged, promotes
10 of 47
at what age is there a dramatic increase in executive functioning control?
3-5 years
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why does the 'sticky mittens' intervention suggest that experience influences understanding?
the intervention allows children to understand grasp changes/intent earlier in life
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which study suggests that a self/other desire distinction is apparent at 18 months?
Repacholi & Gopnick (1997)
13 of 47
at what age can most children solve false belief tasks?
5 years old
14 of 47
which group would argue that essentialism was essential for human survival and evolution?
15 of 47
a decline in anger response around 24 months is due to...
increased communication skills and emotional regulation
16 of 47
what is required for the expression of self-conscious emotions?
a sense of self, an understanding of external standards of behaviour
17 of 47
which factor would make a child more likely to feel guilt than shame?
parenting that emphasises badness of the behaviour
18 of 47
which emotion is associated more with empathy?
19 of 47
which study demonstrated that children have emotional understanding and use it to guide behaviour (social referencing)?
Moses et al. (2001)
20 of 47
At what stage in Bowlby's (1969) theory is separation anxiety most likely to occur?
Clear cut attachment
21 of 47
What year was Ainsworth's famous 'strange situations' study?
22 of 47
what attachment type is characterised by clinginess and extreme distress?
insecure ambivalent
23 of 47
the Bakermans-Kranenburg et al. (2012) study suggests what about the 5HTT-2 transporter gene?
it is protective against disorganised attachment for children living in institutions
24 of 47
the autonomous adult attachment type matches what childhood attachment type?
25 of 47
intervention can help break the pattern of integrational transmission in attachment style, allowing parents to become...
26 of 47
what do Frith-Happé animations clarify about theory of mind in people with ASD?
it is not spontaneous and intuitive
27 of 47
which task is best at measuring cognitive flexibility?
Wisconsin card sorting task
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evidence from the embedded figures test shows support for what account of ASD?
weak central coherence
29 of 47
which parenting style is associated with high warmth and high control?
30 of 47
which parenting style is most likely to cause low competence and self-confidence?
31 of 47
is Baumrind's (1973) research on parenting style relevant cross-culturally?
yes, however there's more variation with regard to singular parenting behaviours
32 of 47
who emphasises the importance of thinking of parents as people too
Rutter (2010)
33 of 47
what is the most important factor when it comes to day care?
quality of care
34 of 47
why might re-marriage of parents be harmful for children?
increased conflict
35 of 47
when it comes to friend selection, is it true that birds of a feather flock together?
36 of 47
parental monitoring and knowledge during adolescence is associated with...
lower levels of substance abuse and delinquecy
37 of 47
which theory on how puberty affects development has most support?
the early timing hypothesis
38 of 47
at what stage in Kohlberg's theory do children understand that gender is stable across time but not context?
gender stability
39 of 47
what main way does gender schema theory differ from Kohlberg's cognitive theory?
gender schema theory suggests that mental representations of gender begin as soon as labelling occurs
40 of 47
why are biological theories of gender development often dismissed?
causality is hard to establish
41 of 47
what theory of gender development does the baby x study support?
sociocultural theory
42 of 47
which comes first in development?
canonical babbling
43 of 47
who created the life-course persistent anti-social behaviour model?
Moffit (1993)
44 of 47
According to Clonginger et al. (1982), criminality in both adoptive and biological parents poses what level of risk for the child?
45 of 47
who is more likely to have a hostile attribution bias?
aggressive people
46 of 47
what does the Gunter et al. (2002) study suggest?
violent media does not increase aggression
47 of 47

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Who is responsible for Core-Knowledge theory?



Card 3


Who is responsible for information-processing theory?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Who is responsible for dynamic-systems theory?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Which theory can explain why children understand unobservable phenomenon (e.g. gravity)?


Preview of the front of card 5
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