Dev- moral development

  • Created by: freya_bc
  • Created on: 20-04-17 17:18
Leon (1984)
parents punish with extent of damage more likely moral realist children than those hwo punish due to intent
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Parsons et al., (1976)
stories to assess moral development place a big demand on memory
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Wimmer, Wachter and Perner (1982)
person painting fence one big with big brush one samll with small brush, younger children stick to piaget reward the boy who painted more with moore cookies older than 8yo begin to assess effort
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Nicholls (1978)
outcome due to failure to understand c&e rather than failure to give sufficient weight to good or naughty intent- in P stories C&e not obvious as neither intended to spill ink 4
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Yulli and Perner (1988)
exp where intentions made more salient- younger children take intentions into account when judging naughtiness- Piaget did underest young childrens morality ability
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punishment and obedience orientation, instrumental morality, interpersonal normative morality, social system morality, human rights and social welfare morality
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Hart et al., (2003)
people who are highly educated and or have high IQ tend to be IDd as being in one of the higher stages
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Hart et al., (1991)
children who are effective in regulating their own emotions tend to progress through the stages more rapidly than children who are not so effective in emotion reg
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Kochanska (1991)
children who had parents that reasoned with them at age 2 showed more advanced moral reasoning at aged 10
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Rest (1983)
agrees with Kohlberg but some western cultural bias within stages, some ideas not appreciated in community focused cultures
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Nunner-Winkler and Sodian (1988)
4-8yo story where protagonist stole sweets, 8yo said she would have felt bad for succumbing to her temptation to steal, 6yo felt good because got what wanted- fell good principle behaviour justified if you benefit
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Eggum et al., (2011)
link between pro-social and ToM
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Hoffman (1970)
moral conscience foundations in first year- laughing crying contagious in infants, empathetic concern driving force empathy as early as 8mo but still self focused 2yo sympathy but egoc version e.g. offering something makes themselves feel better,
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10yo understand dilemma of froups of people as well as idv, attitudes and behaviour accoridng to moral/politcal movements e.g. pollution bad so start recycling
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Helwif and Turiel (2002)
young children sensitive to moral codes and norms, presented with violations of moral principles and social conventions- moral= allowed to hit each other, social= allowed to be naked on hot days, 3yo will intervene with moral transgressions, socialno
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Eisenberg (1986)
ideas complementing Kohlberg e.g. moral dev and altruistic behaviour , l1 children ignore poorly child and proceed to party, l2= stay to help, 5yo start entertaining well being of others, 4yo phsyiological effects of this but when help decrease
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Yarrow, Scott and Waxler (1973)
how do they know what it right? 3-4yo assigned caregiver who modelled altru behaviour and offering help to disad characters in scenes and real life by helping visitor who bumped head. Children visited mother and baby dropped something on floor,
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if previously seem altruism would help
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Warneken an Tomasello (2006)
12mo will help adult complete an action e.g. adult drop peg it was out of reach and child retrieved, requires infant to want to engage in helping, young children want to help, also need skill of who is nice and worth helping through intentions
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Hamlin, Wynn and Bloom (2007)
6mo red ball trying to get up steep hill, blue square pushed it to top, yellow triangle pushed back down nasty, infant choose nice toys, preference for helper over hinderer from 3mo
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Vanish, Carpenter and Tomasello (2010)
3yo watch experimenter harm or help another adult, helped person who helped another
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2nd experiment
children helped unintentionally harmful adult (going against piaget) from young age engage in social eval that guide their own PSV
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Haidt and Joseph (2007)
5 foundations of morality which evolved as adaptations to challenges early in evolutionary history - harm/care, fairness/reciprocity, in-group loyalty, authority and respect, purity and sanctity
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Pizarro and Bloom (2003)
emotional large part of moral decisions and behaviour but conscious deliberation can happen before we make moral judgement
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Bloom (2010)
conscious deliberation- cannot understand how our morals idv and group change by it just being emotional/ irrational process, change in attitudes towards sexuality in last 40 years- change due to human contact widening our moral circle
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Cole and Dodge (1998)
facotrs contributing to ASB- style of parenting (autocratic, cold, harsh, inconsistent), peer rejection- leds children to expect hostility, attrib hostile intentions to others
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Delutz (1983)
asb contributed to by tendency to judge aggressive beahviour to be acceptable
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Caspi et al., (1995)
lack of emotioanl control for ASB- idd 3yo correl with ASB at 12yo and IDd peers being unreli and untrustworthy 21yo
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Moffitt et al., (1996)
neurological damage associated with ADHD link to ASB
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Eron, (1987)
8yo who stated liked violent TV rated by peers more agg, violent tv 8yo correl with agg 19yo, and various asb at 30yo- drinking, criminal convictions, beating and bullying spouse, beating children
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Eron (1982,97)
sensitive period between 8-12yo personality formation highly susceptible to experiences at that time
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Liebert and Barron (1972)
if watched violence more agg and violent in their play 5-9yo watched violent or exciting sport event then played without supervision
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Thomas et al., (1977)
9yo watched violent or not viol tv witnessed staged fight between 2 other children- those who watched violent tv responded less emotionally- desensitisation
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Stein and Friedrich (1972)
4yo watched selected programmes for 4 week period, violent e.g.batman or nonviolent watched in play sessions, more violent tv more agg
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Liebert and Baron (1972)
untouchables (violent cops/robbers programme) 5-9yo children other group watched sports
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Parke et al., (1977)
boys in juvenile centre, some watch violent films over week others didnt, more phys and verbal agg
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Manganello and Taylor (2009)
problems caused by exposure to TV may be more general, data from 3k families influences into childhood agg- corp pun, maternal dep, parenting stress, disorderly neighbourhood, TV time on in day 3yo more tv more agg less child focused activity
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Huesmann, Moise-Titus, Podolski and Ero (2003)
LT effects of social class of parents/parenting style/child intel rel between TV and violence therefore contradicting Freud
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Mirros and Gibson (2011)
difficult to establish CandE between corporal punishment and control, desire to do same with children
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Lansford et al., (2009)
BUT low phys punishment low ASB in adolescence
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Kuppens et al., (2009)
effects of parental control on relational agg if more involved in controlling child's emotions more likely to show relational agg- parenting styles wide influence on children behaviour
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Bandura Ross and Ross (!961)
3-5yo bobo
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human nature is peaceful, aggressive is by-product of social pathology
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Berker, Dembo, Lewin (1941)
children led to believe play with attractive toys, prevented, when children allowed to play became violently frustrated, if had immediate access to toys play nicely
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Mallick and McCandless (1966)
8yo stopped attaining cash prize due to awk behaviour of peer upon whom they were relying C1 told person responsible for failure was sleepy or upset, c2- no explan- less agg if given reason
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Davitx (1952)
8yo small groups, some groups reward for agg/compet behaviours others coop/construct, when film got exciting chocolates taken- if reward aff express agg in play session post frustration, constructive reward group less agg in play situ, constru play
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Brown and Elliot (1965)
3-4yo in nurseyr ignored when agg, attention to peaceful, agg decrease
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Eron (1982)
if dissatisfied with childs behaviour e.g. table manners, forgetfulness, reading ability, child more agg
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Dodge et al., (1990)
ag and rejection by classmates rel
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Huesmann et al., (2003)
boys more likely agg than girls but girls agg for similar reasons
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Anderson and Bushman (2001)
reveiwed research to see if link doesnt say cause by contribution of video games and viokence is signif
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Anderson, Carnagey and Eubanks (2003)
same for violent song lyrics
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Boxer et al., (2009)
large scale study 400 juvenile delinquents with 400 regular high school, not caused by one factor but preference for violent media
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Parsons et al., (1976)


stories to assess moral development place a big demand on memory

Card 3


Wimmer, Wachter and Perner (1982)


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Card 4


Nicholls (1978)


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Card 5


Yulli and Perner (1988)


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