Other questions in this quiz

2. Is it true that you must get rid of excess supply and if there is excess demand you must get more supply?

  • True
  • False

3. What is consumer surplus?

  • extra money that people are prepared to pay for a good/service that is more than what they actually pay
  • extra money paid to producers above what they are willing to accept to supply a good/service

4. What is producer surplus?

  • extra money paid to producers above what they are willing to accept to supply a good/service
  • extra money that people are prepared to pay for a good/service that is more than what they actually pay

5. Why can price mechanism be seen as a rationing device?

  • increased price increases the incentive to supply as more profit is to be made
  • it allocates goods/services to those willing to pay
  • it indicates changes in demand or supply




very good!

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