Determinants of demand for a good or service in a market

quick economics quiz

  • Created by: Lottie
  • Created on: 19-12-11 16:46
What is a market?
a place where buyers & sellers meet for exchange
1 of 22
Is price the exchange value?
2 of 22
What does a product market refer to?
the utility that derives from a good/ service as the customer wants these
3 of 22
What is a commodity market?
a market that sells raw materials/minerals which are used in production of goods/services
4 of 22
Do labour markets buy a sell labour for goods and services e.g. teachers?
5 of 22
What is demand?
the quantity of a good/service purchased at a given price over a given time
6 of 22
What is essential about effective demand?
it has to be backed by money
7 of 22
There is a contraction(upwards) in the demand curve if...
price increases
8 of 22
There is a extention in the demand curve if....
the price decreases
9 of 22
What does PED measure?
the responsiveness of demand due to a change in price
10 of 22
How do you calculate PED?
11 of 22
What does it mean if PED=1
unit elasticity- same change
12 of 22
What does it mean if PED= infinity?
perfectly inelastic= no effect on D
13 of 22
What does it mean if PED=0?
perfectly inelastic= no effect on D
14 of 22
Total revenue measures the total payments from what a firm has sold?
15 of 22
What must the elasticity be to increase revenue?
unit elasticity
16 of 22
What does the elasticity need to be to decrease revenue?
17 of 22
What makes something Price elastic of demand?
substitutes, luxury, high prices, long time periods
18 of 22
What makes something Price inelastic of demand?
necessity,cheap prices,addictivem short time periods
19 of 22
What does YED measure and how is it calculated?
responsiveness of demand to change in income and it is calculated by % change in demand/ %change in income
20 of 22
Is it true that with normal goods the more income the more demand and with inferior goods it is the opposite?
21 of 22
What does XED measure?
responsiveness fo D of good 1 to change in P of good 2
22 of 22

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Is price the exchange value?



Card 3


What does a product market refer to?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is a commodity market?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Do labour markets buy a sell labour for goods and services e.g. teachers?


Preview of the front of card 5
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some issues with spelling and grammar, but overall very good. :)

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