Depth study 3 Irish Famine crossword #3

A crossword about the Famine depth study; key dates, events, causes, Britain's response and effects.

Russell's first act passed in 1847 to provide soup kitchens for the starving Irish (long word! hint - starts with 'Temporary')
Temporary Relief Destitute Persons Act
1 of 10
Another act passed by the British in 1847 to provide Famine Relief, that led to the British being absolved nearly entirely of the burden of Famine Relief, that led to the British being absolved nearly entirely of the burden of cost and management
Irish Poor Law Extension Act
2 of 10
The Chancellor of the Exchequer under Russell who had a direct role in Famine relief
Charles Trevelyan
3 of 10
The principle that described the GB government's 'leave alone' attitude towards Famine relief from 1847 onwards
laissez faire
4 of 10
An economist who advocated little government intervention, whose ideas influenced the Russell government's response
Adam Smith
5 of 10
A philosopher who thought the Irish Famine was inevitable and necessary, in order to 'thin out' Ireland's natural resources
Thomas Malthus
6 of 10
The number of people who died during the Irish Famine, due to starvation and disease
one million
7 of 10
The number of small farms lost as a result of the famine
two hundred thousand
8 of 10
The name of the Irish culture that saw a decline as a result of the deaths during the famine
9 of 10
The percentage increase in surviving farmers' income after the famine, by 1850
seventy seven
10 of 10

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Card 2


Another act passed by the British in 1847 to provide Famine Relief, that led to the British being absolved nearly entirely of the burden of Famine Relief, that led to the British being absolved nearly entirely of the burden of cost and management


Irish Poor Law Extension Act

Card 3


The Chancellor of the Exchequer under Russell who had a direct role in Famine relief


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Card 4


The principle that described the GB government's 'leave alone' attitude towards Famine relief from 1847 onwards


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Card 5


An economist who advocated little government intervention, whose ideas influenced the Russell government's response


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