Demographic Transition

What is the study of population called?
1 of 14
How many stages were there originally in the demographic model?
2 of 14
What did the first stage show?
High birth and death rate, small populations with the economy based on agriculture. A poor harvest could wipe out 1000s, no manufacturing
3 of 14
How many countries are in stage 1 now?
4 of 14
What stage are the world's least developed countries at?
Stage 2
5 of 14
What does stage 2 show?
Falling death rate, high birth rate gives them rapid population growth. Death rate still high due to lack of clean water and medical services not being developed
6 of 14
What stage is Ethiopia at?
Stage 2
7 of 14
What does stage 3 show?
Falling birth rate, low death rate. Demand for tertiary employment in manufacturing, growing in wealth
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What development stage is India at?
Stage 3. It is described as a Newly Emerging Economy (NEE)
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What does stage 4 show?
Well developed health care, good food, clean water, education about healthy lifestyles means low death rate. Low birth rate. Stable population
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What economy does a stage 4 country have?
Well developed economy, HIC, e.g. UK. Small number of farmers can produce enough food for the nation with surplus for export. Other foods imported
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What is the main employment sector in stage 4 countries?
Tertiary, small manufacturing industry. Women are educated and get jobs, this lowers the birth rate
12 of 14
What has been added since the demographic model was first made?
Stage 5 has been added
13 of 14
What does stage 5 show?
Death rate higher than the birth rate. HICs such as Germany and Italy
14 of 14

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Card 2


How many stages were there originally in the demographic model?



Card 3


What did the first stage show?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How many countries are in stage 1 now?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What stage are the world's least developed countries at?


Preview of the front of card 5
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