Democracy and Participation UK

define direct democracy
people make the political decisions themselves
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define representative democracy
people elect representaives who make decisions on their behalf
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advantages of direct democracy
1- purest form of democracy 2- rule of majority 3- people cant hold representaives accountable 4- decisions are entrenched so cannot be chnages easily
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advantages of reprentative democracy
1- ordinary people my have limited understanding on the issue 2- 'tyranny of the majority' 3- representaives are specialists in fields 4- people may be swayed by emotional 5- people elect representaives so must respect their decisions
4 of 20
define suffrage
the power or right to vote in political elections
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explain franchise
the universal right to vote, in the UK every citizen over the age of 18 can register to vote and take part in elections
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what are the problems of franchise?
1- low voter turnout 2- 18-25 year olds is the lowest group to vote
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what is a pressure group?
group which tries to influence public policy, usually for a particular cause
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define promotional pressure group
serve the community and seek national impact, action is direct by the means of protests or public campaign to try and mobilize the public
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define sectional pressure group
self-interested, seeking interest of members and try to gain directly political impact- membership is also formal
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examples of promotional pressure groups
amnesty international, worldwide fund for nature, electoral reform society
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examples of promotional pressure groups
british medical association, the law society, the national unino of teachers
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what are insider pressure groups?
decision makers participating in public policy by lobbyinh ministers eg Age UK
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what are outsider pressure groups?
campaign for public support eg Greenpeace
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what are tink tanks?
groups set up to develop public policy or lobby decision makers
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how were rights developed?
overtime- common law, statues (parliamentary law), human rights
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what are individual rights?
rights that grant the protection of an individual
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what are collective rights
protection of rights for people as a collective
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examples of individual rights
freedom of expression, freedom of speech, right to privacy, right to freedom of press
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examples of collective rights
right of religious groups to not be discrimminated, rights of community to be protected against terrorism
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Card 2


people elect representaives who make decisions on their behalf


define representative democracy

Card 3


1- purest form of democracy 2- rule of majority 3- people cant hold representaives accountable 4- decisions are entrenched so cannot be chnages easily


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Card 4


1- ordinary people my have limited understanding on the issue 2- 'tyranny of the majority' 3- representaives are specialists in fields 4- people may be swayed by emotional 5- people elect representaives so must respect their decisions


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Card 5


the power or right to vote in political elections


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