Delegated legislation

  • Created by: Katherine
  • Created on: 05-10-12 10:42
Procedure by which a statuatory instrument is approved by a vote in one or both houses of Parliament within 28 - 40 days.
Affirmative resolution
1 of 10
These are made by local authorities, public and nationilsed bodies
2 of 10
Legislation made a person or body other than parliament but under the Parent Act/enabling statue
delegated legislation
3 of 10
An orignal act of parliament which enables anoter person or body to create a law
Enabling act
4 of 10
the prodcedure by which a statutory instrument is laid before parliament for 40 days and becomes a law unless either houses vote against it
Negative resolution
5 of 10
Laws made the queen and privy council which are enforceable in courts
Orders in Council
6 of 10
Piece of delegated legislation that has not been made using the procedures specfied in the Parent Act. e.g. aylesbury Mushroom case
Procedural Ultra vires
7 of 10
Content of the delegated legisation is beyone the limits set out in the parent act. e.g. Ann Summers v Job Centre Plus
Substantive Ultra Vires
8 of 10
A court order which says that the delegated legislation is "beyond the powers" set out in the Parent Act.
Ultra Vires
9 of 10
Delegated leislation can be controlled in the courts by a ......
Judicial Review
10 of 10

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Card 2


These are made by local authorities, public and nationilsed bodies



Card 3


Legislation made a person or body other than parliament but under the Parent Act/enabling statue


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Card 4


An orignal act of parliament which enables anoter person or body to create a law


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Card 5


the prodcedure by which a statutory instrument is laid before parliament for 40 days and becomes a law unless either houses vote against it


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Smith E


An excellent crossword that tests key principles and key terms on delegated legislation. If would be a good challenge to complete the crossword in under 5 minutes.



thank you

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