
  • Created by: emily.w.7
  • Created on: 24-01-19 10:18
What are the 2 definitions for biodiversity?
takes into account the number of different species, the diversity between members of the same species and the diversity of the ecology in which they live. 2. organism diversity, diversity within a species, ecosytem.
1 of 14
What is the definition of species richness
number of different species living in a habitat at any one time.
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what is the definition of species
group of simular organisms who can reproduce together to make fertile offspring
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what is the definition of species eveness
measure the population size of each species within a habitat
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what is the definition of endemism
when a species is unique to single place
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genetic diversity
number of different alleles in a gene pool.
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what is the equation for the hetrozygosity index
H=number of hetrozygotes ÷ number of individuals in the population
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what does the hetrozygosity index measure
genetic biodiversity
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What is the index of diversity formula?
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What does the index of diversity measure?
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What are behavioral adaptations?
ways in which an organism acts that increase their chances of survival
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what are physiological adaptations ?
bio chemical features at a cellular level that change in response to an external stimuli.
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what are anatomical adaptations
structural features of an organisms body that increase its chance of survival (internal or extrernal).
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what is a niche?
the role of an organism within thier habitat. organisms in the same niche have to adapted to survive.
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Card 2


What is the definition of species richness


number of different species living in a habitat at any one time.

Card 3


what is the definition of species


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Card 4


what is the definition of species eveness


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Card 5


what is the definition of endemism


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