(Lythy) DOAS Key Quotes from Act 1

  • Created by: Lythy
  • Created on: 10-01-18 14:12
In the opening act when the narrator is describing the Loman’s house and setting the scene, what is the quote that describes the Loman’s tiny house surrounded by apartment buildings?
"a solid vault of apartment houses around the small, fragile seeming home." - Act 1 - Page 7 - Narrator setting the scene
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In the opening act when the narrator is describing the Loman’s house and setting the scene, what is the quote that describes the trophy Biff won in high school?
"On a shelf over the bed a silver athletic trophy stands" - Act 1 - Page 7 - Narrator setting the scene
2 of 49
In the opening act when the narrator is describing the Loman’s house and setting the scene, what is the quote that describes Willy's age?
"He (Willy) is past sixty years of age" - Act 1 – Page 8 - Narrator setting the scene
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In the opening act when the narrator is describing the Loman’s house and setting the scene, what is the quote that describes how tired Willy is?
"His (Willy) exhaustion is apparent" - Act 1 – Page 8 - Narrator setting the scene
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In the opening act when the narrator is describing the Loman’s house and setting the scene, what is the quote that describes Linda's tendency to put up with things?
"She (Linda) has developed an iron repression" - Act 1 – Page 8 - Narrator setting the scene
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In the opening act when the narrator is describing the Loman’s house and setting the scene, what is the quote that describes Linda's love for Willy?
"She (Linda) more than loves him (Willy), she admires him - Act 1 - Page 8 - Narrator setting the scene
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In the opening act when the narrator is describing the Loman’s house and setting the scene, what is the quote that describes Willy’s unpredictable behaviour?
"His (Willy) mercurial nature" - Act 1 - Page 8 - Narrator setting the scene
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In the opening act when the narrator is describing the Loman’s house and setting the scene, what is the quote that describes Willy’s character traits?
"His (Willy) temper, his massive dreams, and little cruelties" - Act 1 - Page 8 - Narrator setting the scene
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In the opening act when Willy comes home from a long day at work and begins to talk to Linda, what is the quote that describes Willy’s exhaustion?
"I'm tired to death" - Act 1 - Page 8 – Willy talking to Linda
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In the opening act when Willy comes home from a long day at work and begins to talk to Linda, what is the quote that describes Willy’s failure to sell anything on that particular day?
"I couldn't make it. I just couldn't make it, Linda" - Act 1 - Page 8 – Willy talking to Linda
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In the opening act when Willy comes home from a long day at work and tells Linda that he was unable to sell anything, what is the quote that Linda says in order to make excuses for Willy?
"Maybe it was the steering again [...] Maybe it was your glasses" - Act 1 - Page 9 – Linda talking to Willy
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In the opening act when Willy comes home from a long day at work, Linda suggest that he should be transferred to New York. What’s the quote that Willy says about his importance in New England?
"I'm vital in New England" - Act 1 - Page 10 – Willy talking to Linda
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In the opening act when Willy comes home from a long day at work, he begins talking to Linda about working to pay off a house. What’s the quote Willy says regarding buying a house and paying it off?
"Work a life time to pay off a house. You finally own it, and there's nobody to live in it." - Act 1 - Page 10 – Willy talking to Linda
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In the opening act when Willy comes home from a long day at work, he begins talking to Linda about Biff. What’s the quote Willy says regarding Biff’s occupation?
"Is that a life? A farmhand? [...] he has yet to make 35 dollars a week!" - Act 1 - Page 11 – Willy talking to Linda, about Biff
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In the opening act when Willy comes home from a long day at work, he begins talking to Linda about Biff. What’s the quote Willy says regarding Biff not ‘finding himself’ by the age of 34?
"Not finding yourself at the age of 34 is a disgrace" - - Act 1 - Page 11 – Willy talking to Linda, about Biff
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In the opening act when Willy comes home from a long day at work, he begins talking to Linda about Biff and contradicts himself multiple times. What is the quote Willy contradicts himself regarding Biff’s work ethic?
"Biff is a lazy bum [...] there's one thing about Biff - he's not lazy." - Act 1 - Page 11 – Willy talking to Linda, about Biff
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In the opening act when Willy comes home from a long day at work, he begins talking to Linda about Biff. What is the quote Willy says regarding Biff being lost?
"Biff Loman is lost. In the greatest country in the world" - Act 1 - Page 11 – Willy talking to Linda, about Biff
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In the opening act when Willy comes home from a long day at work, he and Linda discus the new cheese Linda bought. What is the quote Willy says regarding about him being contradicted by people?
"Why am I always being contradicted?" - Act 1 - Page 12 – Willy talking to Linda
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In the opening act when Willy comes home from a long day at work, he and Linda discus the apartment buildings surrounding the house. What is the quote Willy says regarding him not being able to grow anything in the garden?
"The grass don't grow any more, you can't raise a carrot in the backyard." - Act 1 - Page 12 – Willy talking to Linda
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In the opening act when Willy comes home from a long day at work, he and Linda discus the apartment buildings surrounding the house. What is the quote Willy says regarding the rising population?
"Population is getting out of control. The competition is maddening" - Act 1 - Page 12 – Willy talking to Linda
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In the opening act when Willy comes home from a long day at work, Willy begins to profess his love for Linda. What is the quote Willy says regarding how he relies on Linda?
"You're my foundation and my support, Linda" - Act 1 - Page 13 – Willy talking to Linda
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In the first act Biff and Happy are talking in their childhood bedroom. What is the quote Biff says regarding their childhood ambitions in life?
"Lotta dreams and plans" - Act 1 - Page 15 – Biff talking to Happy
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In the first act Biff and Happy are talking in their childhood bedroom. What is the quote Happy says regarding his behaviour transformation around girls?
"I think I got less bashful and you got more so" - Act 1 - Page 15 – Happy talking to Biff
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In the first act Biff and Happy are talking in their childhood bedroom. What is the quote Biff say regarding how Willy speaks to him?
"Everything I say there's a twist of mockery on his face. I can't get near him." -Act 1 - Page 15 – Biff talking to Happy
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In the first act Biff and Happy are talking in their childhood bedroom. What is the quote Biff say regarding his ‘wasted’ life?
“I come back here, I know that all I’ve done is to waste my life” - Act 1 - Page 17 – Biff talking to Happy
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In the first act Biff and Happy are talking in their childhood bedroom. What is the quote Happy says regarding capital success leading him into a lonely promiscuous lifestyle?
“My own apartment, a car, and plenty of women. And still, goddammit, I’m lonely.” - Act 1 - Page 17 – Happy talking to Biff
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In the first act Biff and Happy are talking in their childhood bedroom. What is the quote Happy says regarding promiscuous lifestyle leading him so sleep with his superior’s fiancé?
"I went and ruined her, and furthermore I can't get rid of her. And he's the third executive I've done that to. - Act 1 - Page 19 – Happy talking to Biff
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In the first act Biff and Happy are talking in their childhood bedroom. What is the quote Happy says regarding his attitude towards women and any possible relationship?
“I hate myself for it. Because I don’t want the girl, and, still, I take it and – I love it!” - Act 1 - Page 19 – Happy talking to Biff
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In the first act Biff and Happy are talking in their childhood bedroom. What is the quote Biff says about Bill Oliver and their unrealistic relationship?
"He put his arm around me shoulder, and he said, 'Biff, if you ever need anything, come to me."- Act 1 - Page 19 – Biff talking to Happy
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In the first act Biff and Happy are talking in their childhood bedroom. What is the quote Biff says about Bill Oliver and the Basketballs?
“I wonder if Oliver still thinks I stole that carton of basketballs.” - Act 1 - Page 19 – Biff talking to Happy
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In the first act Willy is reliving the past when Biff and Happy were children. What is the stage direction that shows how Willy really feels about Biff stealing the football?
"[Laughing with him at the theft] I want you to return that." - Act 1 - Page 23 – Willy talking to Biff in his memories
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In the first act Willy is reliving the past when Biff and Happy were children. What is the quote that Willy says regarding how the coach will react to Biff stealing the football?
"Coach'll probably congratulate you on your initiative!" - - Act 1 - Page 23 – Willy talking to Biff in his memories
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In the first act Willy is reliving the past when Biff and Happy were children. What is the quote that Willy says regarding how the coach would react if anyone else took the football but Biff?
"That's because he likes you. If somebody else took that ball there'd be an uproar" - Act 1 - Page 23 – Willy talking to Biff in his memories
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In the first act Willy is reliving the past when Biff and Happy were children. What is the quote that Willy says about how he thinks Charley and Bernard is viewed in society?
"He's liked, but he's not - well liked." - Act 1 - Page 23/5 – Willy talking to Biff in his memories
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In the first act Willy is reliving the past when Biff and Happy were children. What is the quote that Willy says to make fun of Bernard?
"What're you lookin' so anaemic" - Act 1 - Page 25 – Willy talking to Biff and Happy in his memories
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In the first act Willy is reliving the past when Biff and Happy were children. What is the quote that Bernard says warning Biff, Willy and Happy about Biff’s grades?
"He's gonna flunk you, and you won't graduate" - Act 1 - Page 25 – Bernard talking to Biff, Happy and Willy in Willy’s memories
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In the first act Willy is reliving the past when Biff and Happy were children. What is the quote that Willy says that instil the ideology that success and personal appearance is linked, into Biff and Happy?
"The man who makes an appearance in the business world, [...] is the man who gets ahead. - Act 1 - Page 25 – Willy talking to Biff and Happy in his memories
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In the first act Willy is reliving the past when Biff and Happy were children. What is the quote that Happy says that implies he is perhaps not noticed in the family possible because he lives in Biff’s shadow?
"I'm losing weight, you notice, Pop?" - Act 1 - Page 26 - Happy talking to his father in Willy’s memories
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In the first act Willy is back in the present after leaving the memory of Biff stealing the football, he begins talking to Linda about finical affairs. What is the quote Willy says that stress his worry about not being able to provide for his family?
"If business doesn't pick up I don't know what I'm gonna do" - Act 1 – Page 28 – Willy talking to Linda
39 of 49
In the first act Willy is back in the present after leaving the memory of Biff stealing the football, he begins talking to Linda about the business world. What is the quote Willy says that stress his worry about not being able ‘liked’?
"People don't seem to take to me" - Act 1 – Page 28 – Willy talking to Linda
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In the first act Willy is back in the present after leaving the memory of Biff stealing the football, he begins talking to Linda about the business world. What is the quote Willy says that stress his lack of importance in the sales world?
"I'm not noticed" - Act 1 – Page 28 – Willy talking to Linda
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In the first act Willy is back in the present after leaving the memory of Biff stealing the football, he begins talking to Linda about the business world. What is the quote that shows Willy’s insecurities about his physical appearance?
"I'm fat" - Act 1 – Page 29 – Willy talking to Linda
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In the first act Willy is back in the present after leaving the memory of Biff stealing the football, he begins talking to Linda about the business world. What is the quote that shows Willy’s insecurities about his reputation?
"I heard his say something about - a walrus. And I - I cracked him right across the face." - Act 1 – Page 29 – Willy talking to Linda
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In the first act Willy is fading into a memory about the woman after talking about his insecurities with Linda. What is the quote Linda say regarding how Biff and Happy look up to Willy?
"Few men are idolized by their children the way you are" - Act 1 – Page 29 – Linda talking to Willy
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In the first act Willy is a past memory where he and Linda talk about Biff’s behaviour as a teenager. What is the quote that perhaps shows Willy’s guilt about his parenting skills in relation to the theft?
"I never in my life told him anything but decent things" - Act 1 – Page 32 – Willy talking to Linda, in his memory
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In the first act Willy has just come back into the present after having a memory about his affair, he begins talking to Happy and giving him life advice about the world. What is the quote Willy says about an oyster and mattress?
"The world is an oyster, but you don't crack it open on a mattress" - Act 1 – Page 32 – Willy talking to Happy
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In the first act Willy has just come back into the present after having a memory about his affair, he begins talking to Happy and giving him life advice about the world. What Willy says indicating the growing tension and unrest with in his mind?
"The woods are burning!" - Act 1 – Page 32 – Willy talking to Happy
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In the first act Willy has just finished giving Happy life advice when Charley appears on stage, they begin playing cards and Charley offers him a job. What is the quote that indicated Willy’s pride stops him from accepting the job?
"What the hell are you offering me a job for?" - Act 1 – Page 33 – Willy talking to Charley
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In the first act when Willy and Charley play cards and Charley offers him a job. Which Willy rejects and then starts insulting him. What is the full quote where he claims Charley is disgusting?
"A man who can't handle tools is not a man. You're disgusting." - Act 1 – Page 34 – Willy talking to Charley-
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Card 2


In the opening act when the narrator is describing the Loman’s house and setting the scene, what is the quote that describes the trophy Biff won in high school?


"On a shelf over the bed a silver athletic trophy stands" - Act 1 - Page 7 - Narrator setting the scene

Card 3


In the opening act when the narrator is describing the Loman’s house and setting the scene, what is the quote that describes Willy's age?


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Card 4


In the opening act when the narrator is describing the Loman’s house and setting the scene, what is the quote that describes how tired Willy is?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


In the opening act when the narrator is describing the Loman’s house and setting the scene, what is the quote that describes Linda's tendency to put up with things?


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