Database - Definitions

  • Created by: arrey
  • Created on: 24-04-19 20:45
Define Flat File Database
A simple database where information is stored in rows with one record per row. Each record divided into 'fields'.
1 of 11
Define Redundant Data - think space
Unecessarily repeated data in a database; wastes space in DB and increases possibility of errors.
2 of 11
Define Inconsistent Data - think stored multiple times?
Data which is stored more than once and has different values in each case.
3 of 11
What is a relational database?
A database with a relationship/link across different tables allowing data to be shared across them.
4 of 11
What is a Primary Key? 3 Key points
1) Uniquely identifies each record. 2) Will only appear once in the table in which its primary key. 3) Used to LINK tables
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What is a Foreign Key?
1) When a primary key appears in another table, 2) Foreign Keys can appear many times in a table 3) This is how the 1-to-many is formed; 1 primary key, but multiple foreign keys exist.
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What is referential integrity? Think of one key word.
The state of a database being CONSISTENT. Eg, you cannot delete a record if it is linked to a record in another table.
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What is a Database?
A structured store of data, organised so that it can be easily accessed, managed, updated.
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What is Normalisation? Think relational db.
Organising the Attributes and relations of a relational database to minimise data redundancy.
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Define a Serial File - think records
Stores of similarly structured records, set out one after the other.
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Define a Sequential file - think serial
Serial files but stored in some order, usually based on alphabetical or numerical order of some field.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Define Redundant Data - think space


Unecessarily repeated data in a database; wastes space in DB and increases possibility of errors.

Card 3


Define Inconsistent Data - think stored multiple times?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is a relational database?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is a Primary Key? 3 Key points


Preview of the front of card 5
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