Data and information

Why is good quality information important?
It can aid humans in the decision -making process
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What does a good information system do with information?
A good information system will present each person with information that is useful to them, in a form that makes it easy for them to use
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What formats can data be in?
Text, numbers, images, videos, sound etc
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What is coding?
When data is coded before storage and this changes original data into a shortened version by assigning a code. By assigning a code, it keeps the data short. For example: Gender: M or F for Male or female. Questionnaire answers: Y or N for Yes and No
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What is encoding?
Encoding is used by all computers to convert the data into machine-readable form
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Why is encoding necessary?
So data can be processed efficiently
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What is ASCII?
Used to symbolize the characters as a binary number
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What are bar codes?
A series of bars and spaces represents the code numbers which are read by a bar code scanner. It can read from different angles, upside down, automatic check for data entry errors, using validation
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What is ISBN?
Another coding that is seen on most printed books is known as the ISBN. ISBN is similar to bar codes
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Information is a c________
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Why does accuracy make information valuable?
Decisions are made when certain information is considered, so inaccurate information will mean key decisions may be made wrongly. It is very important that information is accurate. Thorough error checking must take place
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Why is up-to-date information important?
Some information only has value within a specific timescale, for instance share prices can change several times in a minute, and so buying recommendations that are produced would change quickly and have no value at all once they were out of date
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Why is complete information valuable?
Information must be complete so it does not lose its value. Complete info is needed to do a job properly e.g. If a house is to be evaluated for insurance purposes, and a bit gets missing, then it will not be insured properly, due to missing info
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Why is it important that information comes from a reliable source?
So the information is accurate. Individuals are encouraged to go to trusted sources like the BBC website or trusted newspapers or other recognised organisation.
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Why is relevant information valuable?
Information is only valuable to person if they have a use for it and its value depends on that potential use. For e.g. sales report that shows sales of individual staffs
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What does a good information system do with information?


A good information system will present each person with information that is useful to them, in a form that makes it easy for them to use

Card 3


What formats can data be in?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is coding?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is encoding?


Preview of the front of card 5
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