Crude Oil and Organic Chemistry

  • Created by: Angèle
  • Created on: 04-05-17 14:55
What is a mixture?
A substance that contains two or more elements or compounds that are not chemically bonded together.
1 of 21
Name the first 3 alkanes.
Methane, ethane, propane.
2 of 21
What is the general formula for alkanes?
Cn H2n+2
3 of 21
The shorter the alkane molecule, the more/less viscous it is.
4 of 21
Shorter alkane molecules have a higher or lower boiling point?
Lower boiling point.
5 of 21
Are shorter alkanes more or less flammable?
More flammable.
6 of 21
Hydrocarbon + oxygen --> ................ + .................
carbon dioxide + water vapour
7 of 21
What are the pros of using ethanol as a fuel?
the carbon dioxide released when it's burnt is taken back in by the plant as it grows, so it's 'carbon neutral' . It is renewable.
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What are the cons of using ethanol as a fuel?
Worries that as demand for biofuels increase, farmer will start growing plants for fuel instead of food, this could increase food prices, or even famine.
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What are the pros of using biodiesel as a fuel?
It's carbon neutral and renewable. Energies don't need to be converted. Produces much less sulfur dioxide that ordinary diesel or petwro
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What are the cons of using biodiesel as a fuel?
We can't make enough to completely replace diesel. It's expensive to make. Could increase food prices.
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What are the pros of using hydrogen gas to power vehicles?
Combines with oxygen in the air to form just water - so it's very clean to burn.
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What are the cons of using hydrogen gas to power vehicles?
You need a special, expensive engine and hydrogen isn't widely available. Still need energy from another source. Hydrogen is hard to store.
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How can you test for an alkene?
By using bromine water. Alkenes will decolour bromine water.
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What can polymers be used to make in every day life?
plastic bags, tights, new biodegradable packaging, waterproof coatings for fabrics, dental polymers, hydro-gel wound dressings, contact lesnes
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What functional group is alcohol in?
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Why is ethanol used in perfumes?
As it can mix with both oils (which gives the smell) and the water (which makes up the bulk).
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What functional group does carboxylic acid have?
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Carboxylic acids dissolve in water to form alkaline or acidic solutions?
19 of 21
Ethanol + oxygen --> ......... + ..........
Ethanoic acid + water
20 of 21
What functional group do esters have?
21 of 21

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Name the first 3 alkanes.


Methane, ethane, propane.

Card 3


What is the general formula for alkanes?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


The shorter the alkane molecule, the more/less viscous it is.


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Shorter alkane molecules have a higher or lower boiling point?


Preview of the front of card 5
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