Criminology: Unit 1 Types of Crime

  • Created by: Akixo
  • Created on: 14-11-20 12:02
White Collar Crime
A nonviolent crime committed for financial gain or higher social status. There are three categories: Corporate, Organised and Professional.
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Corporate Crime
Criminal offenses that are committed by a person during the course of legitimate business activities. (Fraud)
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Organised Crime
Criminal activities that are planned and controlled by powerful groups and carried out on a large scale. (Mafia)
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Professional Crime
The use of special skills, experiences, methods or instruments to commit crimes whilst considering the activity to be a basic occupation or as a main or additional source of income. (Burglary)
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Moral Crime
Referred to as 'Victimless crimes', there is not always a complaint or a victim. (Prosititution)
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Immoral Crime
Crimes/actions that go against the morals of society. (Fraud)
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State Crime
Crimes committed by states and governments in order to further their policies. Often breach human rights. (Genocide)
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Technological Crimes
'Cybercrimes' is defined as the use of any computer network for crime. (Downloading of illegal images, videos and music)
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Card 2


Criminal offenses that are committed by a person during the course of legitimate business activities. (Fraud)


Corporate Crime

Card 3


Criminal activities that are planned and controlled by powerful groups and carried out on a large scale. (Mafia)


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Card 4


The use of special skills, experiences, methods or instruments to commit crimes whilst considering the activity to be a basic occupation or as a main or additional source of income. (Burglary)


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Card 5


Referred to as 'Victimless crimes', there is not always a complaint or a victim. (Prosititution)


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theresa thomas


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