crime&deviance- punishment

  • Created by: lilyodell
  • Created on: 13-03-19 17:23
what are the two main justifications to punishment?
reduction and retribution
1 of 12
what are the three ways you can prevent future crime through?
deterrence, rehabilitation and incapacitation
2 of 12
how can crime be prevented through deterrence?
it discourages the indicvidual from future offending
3 of 12
how can crime be prevented through rehabilitation?
used to change the offender so they no longer offend, includes education and training
4 of 12
how can crime be prevented through incapacitation?
it removes the offenders capacity to offend again
5 of 12
what does retribution mean?
means 'paying back'
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what is retribution focusing on?
focuses of punishing the crimes that have already been commited instead of trying to prevent future crimes
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why should we focus on punishing individuals that have alreayd commitred crimes?
the offender deserves to be punished for the crime they have committed
8 of 12
what has been said about imprisonment today?
it is not shown to be an effective way of punishment
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why is inprisonment not an effective way of punishment?
two thirds of prisoners go on to offend again
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what has happened to the prison population?
it has increased to record size, 1996-2016, the numbers in england and wales have reached 85,000
11 of 12
what percentage of prisoners are male and what percentage are female?
95% male, 5% female
12 of 12

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Card 2


what are the three ways you can prevent future crime through?


deterrence, rehabilitation and incapacitation

Card 3


how can crime be prevented through deterrence?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


how can crime be prevented through rehabilitation?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


how can crime be prevented through incapacitation?


Preview of the front of card 5
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