
Name 5 types of food needed to balance the diet
Fibre, Carbohydrates, protein, fats, and tiny amount of vitamins and mineral ions to keep your skins bones, blood and everything happy
1 of 8
What is Fat used for | Give an example of it
Insulate the body and release energy | cheese, butter, margarine, oil.
2 of 8
What is Protein used for | Give an example of it
Growth, cell repair and cell replacement | Meat, Fish, Eggs and cheese
3 of 8
What is fibre used for | Give and example of it
Used to keep everything moving smoothly through your digestive system | Vegetables, Whole wheat, dried fruits.
4 of 8
What is carbohydrates used for | Give an example of it
Used to release energy | Potatoes, bread, bananas, sugar and rice.
5 of 8
What happens when you exercise and after
Your metabolic rate goes up and when stopped your metabolic rate will still be high for some time after.
6 of 8
What can you do to lose weight
Eat less fat or carbohydrates and do more exercise
7 of 8
Name one inherited factors effecting their health for eating and exercising
Blood Cholesterol level which is normal for everyone but having a increase one which intrudces a risk of heart disease.
8 of 8

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Card 2


What is Fat used for | Give an example of it


Insulate the body and release energy | cheese, butter, margarine, oil.

Card 3


What is Protein used for | Give an example of it


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Card 4


What is fibre used for | Give and example of it


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Card 5


What is carbohydrates used for | Give an example of it


Preview of the front of card 5
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