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6. Select the term that decribes the maximum population size that can be supported by the available resources?

  • Osmoregulation
  • Carrying Capacity
  • The set point
  • Population Density

7. Which of the following does not occur in the lag phase?

  • There is a period of slow growth
  • Certain factors limit population gowth
  • A species adapts to a habitat
  • Enzyme synthesis

8. Select the correct order of the following phases of population growth...

  • The exponential phase, The stationary phase, The lag phase and the death phase.
  • The lag phase, The exponential phase, death phase and the stationary phase
  • The lag phase, The exponential phase, The stationary phase and the death phase.
  • The lag phase, The stationary phase, the exponential phase and the death phase

9. What is a Niche?

  • The reproductive capacity of one individual in an ecosystem
  • A type of egg based pastry
  • an ecological role and space that an organism fills in an ecosystem
  • the ability of an organism to resist the effects of interspecific competition

10. Which of the following is not an effect of pest damage?

  • Competing with crop organisms for resources
  • Spoiling food
  • Genetic mutation in crops
  • Feeding on crops and animals

11. Which of the following is true about the exponential phase?

  • Bacterial cells divide at a constant rate
  • Nutrients have been used up
  • The population density stays the same
  • This rate of increase can be maintained indefinitely